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Why did George Lucas drop Karen Allen from Indy films

Posted: May 18th, 2008, 12:21 pm
the latest Indianna Jones film is to get it's U.K premiere next week and it's started me thinking.

One of the things that disappointed me about the Indianna Jones trilogy was that Karen Allen's Marion Ravenwood didn't appear in any of the sequels. it seems Stephen Spielberg wanted her, but George Lucas wanted Harrison Ford to have a different love interest in the other films. they managed to explain Marion's absence from the 2nd movie The Temple Of Doom by making it a prequel, setting the story in 1935 comapared to Raiders Of The Lost Ark set in 1936. yet in The Last Crusade she was no-where to be seen, replaced by another leading lady who turned out to be a Nazi.

the problem i had with that apart from Karen's brilliantly fiesty performance, was that Marion as a young woman had a long term relationship with Indy. Then they reuntied after an absence of 10-yrs for 'Raiders' at the end of the film they walked down the street hand, clearly in love with each other and presumably about to get married.

at first i was delighted to discover Karen was to reprise Marion, but that became a disappointment when i learned that it would only be a cameo and that Kate Blachett was the leading lady. however, not knowing the plot, but discovering Blanchett is actually a nast KGB agent, i'm hoping Karen Allen may actually have a major role in the film and that she finally pins down Indy for life!

Posted: May 18th, 2008, 1:53 pm
by Lzcutter

If I recall (and it has been many, many years since the first Indy premiered), Lucas and Spielberg found Karen Allen "difficult' to work with (a term that would side-track Debra Winger's career as well).

Karen Allen's star was definitely on the rise by the time she did the first Indy and like you, I really enjoyed the chemistry between her and Ford. I would have preferred the first sequel to be a continuation of their story because I never liked Kate Capshaw's screeching character (though doing the film really worked out well for her).

Marion is by far the best female character that Indy has encountered to date and romanced.

I, too, was heartened to see that Karen Allen was returning for this one. I adore Kate Blanchett but I do hope Indy returns to Marion and wins her heart back.

As for Karen Allen, I recall stories that was chafing to do more personal films than blockbusters and the whole making of the film in the rough locations likely added to the difficult shoot.

But once an actress gets labeled 'difficult' it is very hard for them to overcome that label. Very few have. Streisand is the only one that immediately comes to mind.

Posted: May 18th, 2008, 10:31 pm
by mrsl
lzcutter said:

"because I never liked Kate Capshaw's screeching character (though doing the film really worked out well for her)."

I think it may have worked out for Kate Capshaw because at the time she was Stephen Spielberg's blushing new bride, or close to being.


Posted: May 19th, 2008, 2:26 am
by Lzcutter
I think it may have worked out for Kate Capshaw because at the time she was Stephen Spielberg's blushing new bride, or close to being.

I think the second Indiana Jones is where Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw began their romance.

He was still married to Amy Irving when they made Indy 2 but I remember reports of on-set romance between the two.

He returned home to Army Irving but they divorced a few years later. He and Capshaw reunited somewhere in there and have been married ever since.

Posted: May 19th, 2008, 8:47 am
by knitwit45
I remember taking my 2 little guys to see the first and then the 2nd Indy movies. We had really enjoyed Raiders, so were excited to see #2

From Capshaw's screeching, to the "dinner" scene, it was just awful. Then for a finishing touch, we got to see children killing children. :shock: :shock:

We walked out of the theater like one said anything for quite a while. When we finally discussed the movie, the boys were actually more p**'d off than I was! We all felt like we had been sucker-punched by a filmmaker cashing in on previous success.

Posted: May 19th, 2008, 10:12 am
i think The Last Crusade was as good as 'Raiders' with Temple Of Doom the weakest link (i got in old Anne Robinson some how lol)

however, one thing, apart from the absence of Karen Allen i didn't like was that Denholm Elliott's Marcus was potrayed as an intelligent professor who was lost while in the field. in 'Raiders' he told Indy if he's been a little younger he'd have gone after the ark himself, suggesting he did have experience of that sort of thing.

Sean was great, but i think he regards himself as to old carry on acting, so he was missing in this latest film. still John Hurt will play Abner Ravenwood, who's not dead after all

i wonder too, if like Doctor Who, with the introduction of a potential off-spring that if their looking to carry on the series Son Of Indy Style