Sean seen in public supporting The SNP

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Sean seen in public supporting The SNP

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As far as I believe Sean Connery is now retired from film acting. However, recently he's made a public information film about Scotland, playing golf with First Minister Alec Salmond.

Today Sean was seen in the public gallery of Hollyrood, The Scottish Parliament with his wife, supporting his friend Alec during First Minister's question time. No surprise there as Sean has been a staunch supporter of The Scottish National Party for a number of yrs now, believing Scotland should seperate itself from the United Kingdom.

My favourite Connery Movies are

Dr. No
From Russia With Love
The Hill
The Man Who Would Be King
The Wind And The Lion (my own favourite)
The Untouchables
Hunt For Red October
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Post by charliechaplinfan »

Just a minute, I'm finding my soapbox, ahh, here it is.

Correct me if I'm wrong and you'll probably know this better than me Stuart as you are a Scotsman yourself but Sean Connery doesn't live in the UK does he? I've always thought he was a tax exile.

If he is a tax exile I find it condescending for someone who doesn't contribute to our taxes and the welfare of our country to make public information films and tell the Scots who to vote for.

Like I say I might be wrong, he may contribute greatly if this is the case I feel a little easier about his political role.

I've never been easy with monied celebrities telling the man on the street how to vote.

I'm getting down off my soapbox now :wink:
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This actually caused some controversy yrs ago when Sean declared his support for the SNP and urged other Scots to do the same, because he was as you say an exile. Sean has been a regular visitor in New York for its annual Tartan Day in Manhatten.

I personally don't share Sean's political view. I'm all for the present Develution situation where Scotland has its own parliament, but is still under Westminster and still part of the UK.

I'll try and get some prove on Sean and the SNP. i've found two. the second one is on the next post

Sean Connery phones homes to win voters | SNP - Scottish National ...
Sean Connery is to support the SNP's general election campaign by taking part in a telephone marketing campaign. Sean Connery is to support the SNP's general election campaign ... · Cached page
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Sean Connery: 'I Will Return To Scotland If It Becomes Independent.
Sean Connery: 'I Will Return To Scotland If It Becomes ... fifty year exile if it becomes an independent country. ... action hero left Scotland in the late 50s and now lives ... ... 14865.html · Cached page
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Post by charliechaplinfan »

I know I'm English and he isn't talking directly to me but if he loves Scotland so much, why doesn't he live there? I think it shows arrogance to speak about the Scottish position when you have no intention of ever living there again.

When Sean first started his political campaigning some years ago I went off him. I've no problem with celebrities being passionate about something they believe in but if they aren't prepared to back up what they are saying by living/taking part etc it lacks conviction and smacks of someonw who is growing too big for their boots.

Soapbox placed back in the corner again :wink:
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself - Charlie Chaplin
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