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A helping hand please?

Posted: September 18th, 2008, 1:32 am
by Hollis
Good early morning all,

I was wondering if someone could help me remember the name of a particular film. Starring John Garfield, Sidney Greenstreet? Maybe Claude Rains if I remember correctly, it's about a ship full of passengers to the afterlife except that until the very latter part of the film don't realize it, and two of the passengers (Paul Henreid? and the woman he loves) are somehow able to return to the land of the living. Help, it's driving me nuts!

Thanks as always,

Hope that you all are doing very well, happy healthy and safe,

Your friend,


Posted: September 18th, 2008, 1:48 am
by Bogie
Hi Hollis hope you're doing good as well.

The movie you speak of is Between Two Worlds (1944) I haven't had a chance to see it myself so I can't comment on it.

Posted: September 18th, 2008, 7:42 am
by moira finnie
Hi Hollis,
Between Two Worlds with Garfield, Greenstreet, and a great supporting cast that includes Edmund Gwenn and George Tobias is a 1944 remake of Outward Bound (1930) with Leslie Howard & Douglas Fairbanks Jr. TCM has shown both of them back to back in the last six months. Neither of these is on dvd/vhs as far as I know nor are they currently on TCM's schedule, but perhaps someone has a dvd-r they could share with you? You might want to look around the internet since these dvd-r movies do pop up from time to time.

I really like Between Two Worlds too, for the acting turns but especially for the Erich Wolfgang Korngold score. I'll put in a request for this one at Suggest a Movie, Hollis. I hope that they will heed our request to see this one again.

I'm glad to see you posting, Holl!

Posted: November 13th, 2008, 9:54 am
by knitwit45
To all the fine people here:

Hollis is going through a really rough time right now. He asked me to ask YOU if you would send him a postcard. He really enjoys getting them, and said he has framed most of them.
If you want, sign your screen name only. The cards will cheer him, and encouragement is truly a priceless gift.

If you're interested, p.m. me and I will send you his address.

Thanks in advance