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What Magazines and/or Newspapers do your read ?

Posted: October 1st, 2008, 11:47 am
by ken123
For most normal people that isn't a tough question, but apparently for Mrs Palin it is. Another question, if I may, can you name any Supreme Court decision other tha Rowe vs Wade ? :roll:

Posted: October 1st, 2008, 2:15 pm
by moira finnie
What Magazines and/or Newspapers do your read ?
Not nearly enough, Ken.

If I tackle the New York Times from stem to stern in one day, (especially the Sunday edition), it's a major achievement. I usually read my local rag, especially the Messenger, a local paper that usually gets my rapt attention by having headlines like: SHEEP WREAK HAVOC, which was about a couple of ewes who made a break for it at our local Farmer's Market, (yes, I live in the boonies).

I do read Newsweek, WSJ, the Economist and the New Yorker when I get to the library, and occasionally parts of the Boston Globe San Francisco Chronicle, International Herald Tribune, Washington Post, LA Times, The Times of London, The Irish Echo, and the Manchester Guardian online. For laughs, I like to look at Page Six of the New York Post, which is highly amusing. I gave up on People magazine when they stopped doing reviews of jazz albums and I started to never know who the people were in the pictures, though I'll probably look at this week's issue if they have the brains to put Paul Newman on the cover. I used to like Entertainment Weekly, but now every other issue seems to be about Batman or Heroes, so it doesn't interest me as much, though their book reviews used to be good. Don't even ask me how many books (especially those related to classic movies) are piled next to my bed.

Supreme Court stuff off the top of my head : Dred Scott Decision, Brown vs. the Board of Education, Rowe vs. Wade, Marbury vs. Madison, and the Miranda decision, (which I think was based in TX, CO or AZ, can't remember which).

I'm almost feeling sorry for Sarah Palin. I don't think her handlers knew what she was getting into at all. Like I said earlier on this site, she's a deer caught in the headlights of fame, and has no idea what's hurtling her way. Not that I'd vote for her out of pity, mind you.

Just for fun, it would be interesting to know what other people like to read regularly, (not necessarily politically related). How about you, Ken? What do you read regularly?

Field and Stream? The Daily Worker? Foreign Affairs? Maxim?

(Yes, dear Ken, you are being baited by me, just a little)

Posted: October 1st, 2008, 2:31 pm
by ken123
Over the years I have subscribed to Sports Illustrated, The Sporting New, Newsweek, Time, US News, National Review, Human Events, In These Times,The Worker, People's World,Dailey World, American Opinion,The Review of the News, The New Republic, Church & State, The Progressive, The Progressive Populist,The Hockey News,Hockey Pictorial,The New Guard,The Economist,The Weekly Standard,Monthly Review,Rolling Stone,The Wanderer, Catholicism In Crisis,The New Oxford Review,National Catholic Register, The National Catholic Reporter,Christian News, Arab News & Views,The Remnant,The Nation, The National Guardian, Executive Inteligence Review, New Solidarity,and few others that I have forgotton.

Over the years the major newpapers that I read on a regular basis are the now defunct Chicago American - Today, the defunct Chicago Dailey News, the still alive ( barely ) Chicago Sun - Times and Chicago Tribune.

The only two publications that I currenty subscibe to are The Nation, and Church & State, I also visit dozens of website every day .

Just because I have subscribed to various publications, most of many years, does NOT mean that I agree with any of the publications opinions. :D

Posted: October 1st, 2008, 2:32 pm
by jdb1
I read the NY Times every day too, 'cause it's my local paper, but I read it online. I also visit the BBCNews website on a regular basis. Frankly, newspapers and magazines are so expensive these days, I stopped buying the Times when the price increased to $1.25. IMO, too much for a daily newspaper, even the exalted NY Times.

I don't get many magazines any more, for the same reason. I have subscriptions to Archaeology and Art & Antiques, to keep up with the old and the new in culture. Archaelogy magazine is just at the right level for me -- more specific than articles in a general information magazine, but not so technical that it loses me. Art & Antiques talks about the art market here and abroad, and is beautifully produced. I get the AARP magazine as part of my membership - it's very general, with a "senior" slant, and can be very interesting. Aside from subscriptions to those, I read magazines that are circulated by my firm, like The Economist, and I'm not too proud to look at the entertainment and fashion magazines we also get (for business purposes, of course).

As for Supreme Court cases, these come to mind:

Marbury v. Madison
Plessy v. Ferguson
Schenck v. United States
Brown v. Board of Education
Gideon v. Wainwright
Griswold v. Connecticut
United States v. Nixon

I can't see Russia from my house, but I can see Russians, since so many Russian immigrants live in my neighborhood. Do I get to govern a state? I'd like Minnesota, please. They're so nice.

Posted: October 1st, 2008, 2:42 pm
by ken123
Thank you Moira for reminding me !

Foreign Affairs, Pro Football Weekly, Basketball News,Pro Football Illustrated,Biblical Archeology Review, The Republican,LA Baseball News.The National Observer, National Review Bulletin,Canadian Football News, The Idler,and more I am sure.

Judith - you have a wicked sense of humor. :lol:

Posted: October 1st, 2008, 2:49 pm
by ken123
When I first subscribed to The Worker ( 1965 ) it was published twice a week. MORE -Progressive Labor, The Militant, Political Affairs,The New Leader, Films in Review, many of these publications are no longer being published .I am still subscribing to The Workers' successor and the AARP mag - thank you for reminding me Ms Judith . :D

Posted: October 2nd, 2008, 3:03 pm
by ChiO
Ken said:
Today, the defunct Chicago Dailey News, the still alive ( barely ) Chicago Sun - Times and Chicago Tribune.
I thought the Sun-Times was barely alive, too; then the new Sam Zell Tribune hit the stands, which may give the Sun-Times a respectability (for me, at least) and new life that it hasn't had since Mike Royko left.

I read both everyday and try to get to the NY Times and Village Voice online. And the Chicago Reader, The Greek Star and The Orthodox Observer. Sight & Sound, Film Comment, Paste, CineScope, Stop Smiling are the regular magazines, and The Nation, Biblical Archeology Review, and National Review intermittently.

I read far fewer magazines than I used to. Really just the ones my handlers put in front of me -- I read them all. Oy!

Posted: October 18th, 2008, 7:43 am
by Hollis
Currently, (and yes, I know that its been around forever)"The Anarchist's Cookbook"

I just can't believe that a rational person would take any of this nonsense seriously! Or am I turning into a middle of the road Conservative as I grow older? Whatever happened to all of my Liberal views? I really am becoming my father, and you know what? I won't apologize for it.

As always,


p.s. I also try to read my hometown's leading newspaper in its online version (since I can't get it down here "for some reason,") The Philadelphia Inquirer. It's won more Pulitzer Prizes for Journalism than any other daily paper in the United States.


Posted: October 19th, 2008, 7:08 pm
by inglis
I read the Winnipeg Free Press from time to time .I have a strong interest in Life Magazine.I love the pictures and the articles. I don't buy it as much anymore as with kids and such I am on a tight budget but I love that magazine .I have a some special ones that I did collect over the years.The Beatles ,50 Years of Life,Pearl Harbour.I try to get them at garage sales when I can.

Posted: October 20th, 2008, 1:31 pm
by charliechaplinfan
The only paper I but on a regular basis is the Mail on Saturday, it has excellent TV pages. I always like the look of the broadsheets but I need a table to read them and then the cats sits on it :roll: I end up giving up.

The Times is now produced in tabloid form.

I've sometimes been known to but an occasional celebrity magazine. I love going to the hairdressers just to flick through those magazines.