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Canadian Elections

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 11:30 am
by ken123
Latest polls result show that the Conservatives have lost support since the beginning of the nation's 5 week electoral campaign for seats in Canada's Federal Parliament. The Tories have dropped to 32 %, down from 41% at the beginning of the campaign, the Liberals 25, and the socialist New Democratic Party at 21 %. The Greens and the Quebec bloch trail at 12 & 8 percent respectively.The Tories ( conservatives ) are losing support, in Ontario,to the Liberals, from higher income folks, & the NDP from lower incomes voter.

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 5:52 pm
by Vecchiolarry
Hi Ken,

We here in Canada have no viable leader here also; just as you in the US have nobody of any worth there to lead.
Poor North America - Mexico too is also in "the craphole" ..........

The Conservatives are the 'best' of a stupid lot. But, they have the wrong leader. He's a dork!!
The Liberals and New Democrats have flaks for leaders and the Bloc Quebecois is not a national party (Provincial Separatists = traitors). Their leader is, however, rather intelligent, but a French traitor none the less...
The Green Party is new and unorganized even though their leader is an intelligent, competent and well spoken woman...

If the Conservatives win and all signs point to it, then, they should adopt the Green Party leader as Minister of the Environment and some Green Party policy...


green party name

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 7:22 pm
by inglis
Hi Larry !
I am just to ticked off this time around to vote period .There is no one I like out of all the leaders. I agree with you about Harper . I like the green party leader .I watched the debate and I felt she handled herself well. I am dumb though as I can never remember her name . :oops:

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 9:19 pm
by Vecchiolarry

No, you are not dumb, the whole population is just flummoxed with indecision.
The only thing to do, and this is just my advice (suggestion) is to vote Conservative and hope for the best = the best of the worst!!


Posted: October 8th, 2008, 9:15 am
by jdb1
Carol & Larry, what does "Conservative" mean in terms of Canadian politics? Do your Conservatives have the same platform as ours?

Posted: October 8th, 2008, 10:36 am
by Vecchiolarry
Hi Judith,

Here's roughly the comparison(s):

Conservative = Republican
Liberal = Democrat
New Democrat = Socialist/Semi-Communist
Bloc Quebecois = Traitor

These parties are all mostly just right or left of center and non are too radically right or left...
The only trouble is that they are all very flipfloppy and dumb as a sack of hammers - - sound familiar???


Posted: October 9th, 2008, 1:39 pm
by inglis
Vecchiolarry wrote:Hi Judith,

Here's roughly the comparison(s):

Conservative = Republican
Liberal = Democrat
New Democrat = Socialist/Semi-Communist
Bloc Quebecois = Traitor

These parties are all mostly just right or left of center and non are too radically right or left...
The only trouble is that they are all very flipfloppy and dumb as a sack of hammers - - sound familiar???

Yup thats a good answer . Hey Larry this is off subject but are you coming out this way in the Fall please let me know if you are, Cheers Carol

Posted: October 9th, 2008, 3:11 pm
by movieman1957
Larry and Carol:

Have the people of Quebec given up on separating? I know about 10 or 15 years ago they almost succeeded. I can't imagine the logistical nightmare that would have ensued.


Posted: October 10th, 2008, 9:42 am
by inglis
Hi Chris
To be honest I am not really sure about that .I believe its always going to be there that they would like to separate. They did have a vote years ago and many of that French culture still voted to be a part of Canada.But I tell you it was very close. I would hate to see it happen ,Quebec is a beautiful province .I had the experience of travelling there many years ago and the French people were very good to us .I did not speak a word of French but felt very welcomed ..Larry would probably be able to give you a better idea as I think he has more insight into the politics of it all .I will tell you I have both my children in French Emersion schools and I am very happy about it as they are speaking French and its been a great education for them . We have StBoniface here which is a French community it's the largest I beleive outside of Quebec.We have all kinds of festivals and cultural events here in Manitoba celebrating the French Culture.I love it personally and my kids of course are very involved through the school. The only regret I have is that I work at my son's school and I can't speak a word of it. The teachers and students speak french all the time except at recess.I did voice my opinion at one time if english speaking parents come to the school to help out the teachers have to speak english to us so we know whats going on . I went on an outing just before school ended in June and my son's teachers were speaking back and forth in French to each other and I was so upset that they would not talk in english in front me .It upset me as I also work at the school . Well needless to say there have been some changes and when we are in the staff room now most of the teachers will speak in english. I was pretty ticked off as I felt that if a parent is coming in to help and they don't speak the language,they need to make it a parent friendly language. Nice to hear from you Chris :) :)

Posted: October 10th, 2008, 1:46 pm
by ken123
I was just watching a TV ad for the Liberals on the internet that accussed Tory PM Harper & the Conservative Party of wanting to cut the nations social safety net. Why would anyone think that Conservatives would want to do that ? :cry:

Posted: October 10th, 2008, 2:33 pm
by Synnove
In some countries at least, that seems like what the conservative block stands for? At least traditionally. Of course, you get a pretty simplified view of politics in the media, so it could be due to that.

Posted: October 10th, 2008, 3:03 pm
by ken123
Synnove wrote:In some countries at least, that seems like what the conservative block stands for? At least traditionally. Of course, you get a pretty simplified view of politics in the media, so it could be due to that.
I firmly believe that conservatives, in the US, want to do more than just reduce the social safety net, they would like to get ride of it entirely if they could. So far they haven't, but they are doing their darnest, first bankrupt the country thru wars and and non - enforcement of regulatory laws. The country is being plundered. :(

Posted: October 13th, 2008, 10:18 pm
by TalkieTime
I watched the debate, er, shouting match as well. About the only thing where there was agreement was that the incumbent is out of touch and as dumb as they come. He speaks well, when he manages to speak at all, is a handsome fellow, and it appears that he's just enduring the insults waiting for the rest to implode. This is an opinion from one in the States.


Posted: October 15th, 2008, 10:48 am
by Vecchiolarry

Last night, the Conservatives won the Canadian elections.
They are still a minority government but they did win 12 more seats than they previously had; so they came out better in the end.

But, it still was a useless election since we spent 300 million dollars stupidly - but then what do we expect - - stupid people = stupid spending!!!

Carol -
I may just be coming to Winnipeg soon as an old girlfriend there is clamoring for me to visit her. I'll let you know if & when and we can go for lunch...


Posted: October 15th, 2008, 11:04 am
by ken123
Tory PM Harper called this election almost two years before it was necessary and it cost the Canadian citizens $300 million, nice.It looks like the socialist NDP won a riding, (seat in parliament) from the previous all Tory delagation in Alberta, the New Democrats also won, for the first time in history, a seat from Quebec in a regular election. The Quebec bloc by winning about 49 seats keep the Conservative party from winning a majority in the Federal Parliament. :D