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Anyone interested in forming a Film Book Club right here?

Posted: April 24th, 2007, 3:38 pm
by moira finnie
After reading the delightful variety of books that many of our members like to read here, I was wondering if anyone might be interested in trying a Film Book Club for our enjoyment right here. I've belonged to a couple other general & topical book clubs in the real world and a few online. I suppose that one time we could concentrate on a biography or autobiography, another could examine a genre, a studio or a period of film or...whatever film related topic came up.

If you're interested, it might be set up this way, but if you have another structuring idea, I'd hope that you'd share it:
1.) All members have the option to propose a book(s) over the course of a week or so, describing in some detail and stating why they believe this book could generate some lively discussion and illumination for us.
2.) During a set period of time, (say, one week), anyone participating in the book club would vote on their favorite choice.
3.) Then, each of us could have a period of 8-12 weeks to acquire & read a copy, (via friends, libraries, bookstores, ebay, or Amazon, etc.).
4.) At the end of that period, we'd set a date for discussion of the book to begin and establish a thread devoted to that book.

My questions about all this are:
*Do we have enough interest in this idea?
*Do we concentrate on newer books or classics about a period, (i.e. Kevin Brownlow's The Parade's Gone By)?
*If we choose a book for discussion, do we want the person proposing it to lead a discussion by initiating the analysis thread and establishing points to ponder when discussing a book?

What's your opinion? I'd love to know.

Posted: April 24th, 2007, 6:11 pm
by pktrekgirl
I would be interested. I love books. And I'm up for anything related to classic film - biographies, histories of studios, etc. The only sorts of books that I'd object to are ones that smear a particular actor or actress unnecessarily (the truth is one thing - smear campaigns another) or books that focus too heavily on politics, religion, or speculation related to sexual preference issues.

Not that I think these sorts of books would be selected anyway....but it just had to be said.

However, it might be tricky finding books that are of real interest that no one has read.

Nevertheless, it is a great idea and certainly worth a shot! :)

Posted: April 24th, 2007, 7:22 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
I'm interested. My only problem might be trying to find a copy of the book in my area or the local library. Some books, especially specialty types cost quite a bit of change. I pretty much buy books used or check 'em out of the library so I kinda have to take what I can find.

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 8:21 am
by moira finnie
Hi SHolmes & Ark,
Thanks for responding. I also would like more than 3 individuals in any discussion group, but perhaps others will put their 2 cents in here too.
Speaking of 2 cents, I've literally purchased used copies of movie books and others for as little or a little bit more on Amazon and ebay, as well as through used book sales/shops. I think that the availability of a book is important when any group chooses it. I sure wouldn't want anyone to go into the hole for something they couldn't afford and might not enjoy owning.

Perhaps someone else will chime in here eventually with their thoughts. Thanks,

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 8:49 am
by jdb1
I'm always for reading, and usually read more than one book at a time (though not simultaneously).

We might surmount the unavailability problem by circulating the books to those who are interested. I'm a fast reader - I wouldn't mind sharing by mail. We circulate and discuss books here in my office.

Many of the older works might be available online for reading and/or download anyway.

Moira, are you proposing simply a book discussion thread, or a book-to-film discussion? It the latter, the issue wouldn't just be finding the books but seeing the films as well. I think that poses more of a problem than procuring the books. I could write volumes on the films I haven't yet seen.

In any event, once we started discussing movie books on another thread, lots of people joined in. If you started a dedicated discussion group, I think many who are already familiar with the works under discussion might want to opine as well.

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 12:20 pm
by moira finnie
Moira, are you proposing simply a book discussion thread, or a book-to-film discussion?
I was thinking of a book club devoted to specific works about an individual, a type of film, or a period of film history or a specific studio originally. I hadn't thought of it as a book-to-film type of book club.
In any event, once we started discussing movie books on another thread, lots of people joined in. If you started a dedicated discussion group, I think many who are already familiar with the works under discussion might want to opine as well.
I wouldn't have any objection to anyone with some knowledge of a book or its subject in joining in any discussion, but, of course, this would also be up to other book club participants.
We might surmount the unavailability problem by circulating the books to those who are interested. I'm a fast reader - I wouldn't mind sharing by mail.

Sounds fine to me, Judith. I do think that if this was the case it might take about 4 months for everyone to have an opportunity to read a book, but that's okay with me too, if others are interested.

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 2:06 pm
by jdb1
I agree, it is a difficult thing to organize by long-distance, and requires a degree of commitment.

Perhaps for now we can just throw out the names of books we've read and see if anyone else is familiar with them as well. It's probably easier at first to start with books already read. Maybe the thing will gel into something more cohesive if enough enthusiasm is generated.

Besides, where will we all find the time? Watching TCM, and posting on two TCM boards - that takes up most of my day, and I think I have a job, too.

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 2:38 pm
by sandykaypax
I would enjoy participating. I'm all for a film-related non-fiction type of club or the book-to-film idea is good, too.

I wouldn't mind if a book is chosen that I've already read. I'd either read it again, or just discuss based on what I remember.

I belong to a book club on Oprah's site and we have varying methods of nominating books. Sometimes everyone nominates 2 or 3 and the ones with the most votes are scheduled for the upcoming months, discussing one book a month. Usually, if your nomination is chosen, you lead the discussion. But, sometimes we just wing it, with anyone tossing out questions for discussion.

Sandy K

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 5:11 pm
by SSO Admins
I would love to participate if we choose books I've already read.

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 5:12 pm
by SSO Admins
Mr. Arkadin wrote:I'm interested. My only problem might be trying to find a copy of the book in my area or the local library. Some books, especially specialty types cost quite a bit of change. I pretty much buy books used or check 'em out of the library so I kinda have to take what I can find.
Your library should be able to do inter-library loan. Unless it's an extremely rare book, there's almost nothing your library can't get if you ask them.

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 6:14 pm
by pktrekgirl
jondaris wrote:I would love to participate if we choose books I've already read.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sorry, dear...but this just struck me as funny.

Nuthin' like Diet Coke on the 'ole keyboard to improve performance. :P

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 9:05 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
jondaris wrote:
Mr. Arkadin wrote:I'm interested. My only problem might be trying to find a copy of the book in my area or the local library. Some books, especially specialty types cost quite a bit of change. I pretty much buy books used or check 'em out of the library so I kinda have to take what I can find.
Your library should be able to do inter-library loan. Unless it's an extremely rare book, there's almost nothing your library can't get if you ask them.
Unless the libraries refuse to lend them. I do interlibrary loans all the time and while usually what you're looking for is available, sometimes the libraries won't lend if it's an item that not many libraries have. Also universities usually have everything you want, but they often times refuse to lend. I guess they don't want someone who isn't paying tuition to read their books. :roll:

Posted: April 25th, 2007, 10:28 pm
by sugarpuss
Oh, I love this idea! Out of all my friends, I'm the only one who constantly reads film-related books, so I never really have anyone to talk about them with.

The only thing that I have to say, is that it would be easier for me to get books that are in-print, as opposed to out of print. I know y'all are talking about libraries, but the majority of public libraries around me have closed (Due to a lack of funds, yet we can light up the auditorium for the hockey game in the middle of a week long blackout. The mind boggles.) The closest library is far, far away from me now.

I like the idea of reading biographies or about certain studio/period of film. I also think it would be interesting to look at the upcoming movies on TCM and read the book it was adapted from. A good deal of the classic books are really cheap, even if they're bought new. I don't know, I'm just tossing out ideas.