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No Time for Sergeants on DVD?

Posted: March 25th, 2009, 12:06 pm
by srowley75 ... sku=D80513

It's currently #5 on the TCM website for DVD buys. Since it's not showing up on Amazon or at the Warner Archive, I can understand that.

So I guess Warner's answer to the recession is to avoid releasing their titles to the discount outlets like Deep Discount, Warner, etc. and try to make their titles more exclusive, thus netting a larger profit. While it won't be fun paying higher prices, I can understand their need to do this during the recession and I applaud the initiative. And as I've said before, I'm hoping Paramount and Universal follow suit (though I'm not holding my breath), also Sony with their TV holdings. I still have lots of episodes of Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman to collect.


Re: No Time for Sergeants on DVD?

Posted: March 25th, 2009, 4:19 pm
by Ollie
I'm pleased this title is available. I find myself still wary of single-vendor DVD sales, though, as if "quality of print" may be less than good. Years ago, there was a DVD of this title made from a TV Broadcast Copy. This placed it in the "it's all we have!" category of acceptance, but I'm hoping this is a good, remastered print. I'll get to find out shortly!