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John Barrymore Collection to be released in July

Posted: April 1st, 2009, 9:03 am
by MichiganJ
Kino is releasing a box set of John Barrymore silents on July 7. The set will include the previously unreleased Sherlock Holmes (1922) as well as The Beloved Rogue (1927) and Tempest (1928), which were previously available from Image (I'm unsure if they are the same prints, but I assume they may be). They set will also include Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which both Image and Kino have released previously.

I'm a big fan of Kino and happy they are putting out these collections, I just wish they wouldn't include discs they've already released. I feel like I'm burned when I buy the individual titles for $30 only to have them included in a collection where they would be about $20 each (the Barrymore set is suggested retail for $60.)

Still, I'm happy they continue to put out quality silents, and each title will be available individually for $25, which isn't too bad.