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Post by ken123 »

With the amount of hate & irrationality that apparently is on the rise in this country,birthers,screamers, the Pittsburgh shootings, the reaction to the Gates - Crowley affair, police use of tasers on the rise, I fear that our days as a constitutional republic are near an end. :(
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Re: Hate

Post by movieman1957 »

While those things are troublesome I doubt the Republic is in danger from your list. I would fear more for the health of our society on those items. I carry the opposite view that any danger to the Republic is a continual effort by Washington to spend more and more money and become more and more regulated and more controlling of people's lives and money.

Just don't report me to the White House snitch line.

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Re: Hate

Post by ken123 »

Our recent economic meltdown was caused by too few and/or not enforced federal regulations. What do think of socialized police, firefughters,ect, well that's what we have ! We have socialized roads,parks,libraries. If it wasnt for so called "socialism " this country would be worse off. Much of " FDR's socialism " was actually derived from Catholic social teachings. If being run by the government means socialism then the US militiary is socialistic. Yes private militiary is great. BLACKWATER is a great example, If these protesters were driven by "leftists beliefs " Beck, Hannity,and Limbaugh would have a different reaction. A few days ago Mr Beck warned his listeners/viewers not to engage in violence because of " the pr harm " that it would do to 'the cause",not because violence is a bad thing. IMHO that shows what Beck & his ilk are all about. I am sure that the FBI has a file on me - for political leanings not for violence.
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Re: Hate

Post by ken123 »

Lou Dobbs thinks President Obama is a marxist. Dobbs, Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh are fanning the flames. Last week on " Hardball " host Chris Mathews called comments by guest Joan Walsh "marxists", she dared criticize big pharma - insurance. The level of political discourse in the USA has fallen to a new low. IMHO Mathews has shown his ignorance on a regular basis.

Re: Hate

Post by jdb1 »

I suppose those who are carrying those signs at today's tax tea parties would like the our water supplies to be un-fluoridated? Back in the day, their parents were calling that phenomenon "socialism."

Besides which, I think most "government is bad" fear-mongers do bandy about the terms "socialism" and "Marxism" as though they were the same thing, and they are not. When I think of socialism, I don't think of the Soviet Union, I think of social contract; an agreement between the governing and the governed for the common good. What exactly do the naysayers think a government is for? Friends, if ever there was an example of the perils of to this country of ineffective school systems, this is it.

A nation this size cannot exist without a government. If the federal government were downsized, it would not be at all long before state governments began to grow to take up the slack. People who think they want to self-govern should try serving on a Manhattan co-op board for a while, and see just how long their enthusiasm for being in charge and having to make all the decisions, with the attendant responsibilty, lasts.

The ugliest truth of all is that those of those anti-government jingoist who aren't part of the national aristocracy, and think that the Right is on their side, would be the first to go, comes a Red State revolution. I don't trust anyone who sees generosity and a desire to see as many people as possible happy and productive as a sign of unmanly weakness to be the one to look out for my interests. It doesn't diminish me if the next guy makes good -- there's enough room here for both of us.

Did you see Gail Collins' column in the NY Times today? She says something about how the opposition fears Judge Sotomayor because as a Supreme Court Justice, Sotomayor will be set loose upon the nation to commit empathy. I'll take empathy over the flatrate tax any day.
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Re: Hate

Post by mrsl »

Call me simple-minded if you wish but I seriously think if the media were clamped down on, things would improve greatly in a very short time. I'm not talking about impeding a difference of opinion, but of the approval to allow the media to pounce on a simple word or mis-quote and continue for days on how it proves traitorousness (probably not a word), and/or ignorance.

I didn't like Sarah Palin from the beginning but the way the media attacked her for her daughter's mistake, and her silly quotes about seeing Russia, were totally uncalled for. She was used to the small town feel of Alaska even though she was Governor, and she spoke accordingly. Obama said the Boston police acted stupidly by arresting the judge, he did not say they WERE stupid, but they ACTED stupidly, Those are two different things. This happens continuously, and people who are not politically aware hear someone they respect, like fools like Hannity and Colmes, and many others and believe their rampages, not realizing it is a personal thing, not political. That whole episode about Obama's birth certificate should never have been allowed, we've had German presidents, and Irish, and other nationalities, but because their skin is lily white, nobody asked for their birth certificate. Those men who continually call Obama a socialist, or any other name are simply still burning over their party losing the election to a half black man. Now Sotomayor is going to be partial to socialism and fascism according to todays' headlines. That will probably feed the back-biters for at least 2 weeks. We need editors on radio, TV, magazines, the internet, and newspapers to print ONLY the news, and leave the opinions to the Q & A pages. It's a pain in the neck trying to find some news after weeding through some reporters' personal opinions. In other words leave the hate at home.

You can examine as deeply as you wish, but until we return to the grass roots, our country will keep rolling out of control. One man cannot fix it unless he has the assistance of congress, the media, and the people. One man cannot build a house alone, sooner or later he will need someone to hold something for him while he works on the other end and if everyone tells him no, he will never get anything done, will he?


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Re: Hate

Post by silentscreen »

I don't think differences of opinion or protest qualify as hate and violence. I think those are guaranteed by the Constitution. If our forefathers hadn't stood up for what they believe in, we might be under a different flag to this day. But today if you disagree with the current status quo, you're a hatemonger or a loony. Very convenient to those who can't tolerate any agenda but their own! :roll:
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Re: Hate

Post by silentscreen »

movieman1957 wrote:While those things are troublesome I doubt the Republic is in danger from your list. I would fear more for the health of our society on those items. I carry the opposite view that any danger to the Republic is a continual effort by Washington to spend more and more money and become more and more regulated and more controlling of people's lives and money.
I agree 100% Chris, by the way.
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Re: Hate

Post by mrsl »

I agree completely that our Constitution is a great thing, especially since studying it further to help my grandson last year with his schoolwork. The only thing I regret about it is that our forefathers still believed that blacks were not equal, much less human. If only freedom for all races had been added to the Constitution, so many of our problems would never have seen the light of day.


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Re: Hate

Post by silentscreen »

mrsl wrote:I agree completely that our Constitution is a great thing, especially since studying it further to help my grandson last year with his schoolwork. The only thing I regret about it is that our forefathers still believed that blacks were not equal, much less human. If only freedom for all races had been added to the Constitution, so many of our problems would never have seen the light of day.

I completely agree.The shame is that it takes such a long time for things to change.
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Re: Hate

Post by ken123 »

Free speech is a great thing, mob rule isnt. Rude conduct should not be condoned. Limbaugh, Hannity,Beck,Dobbs, Malkin and others of their ilk are stoking the fires of fear. Malkin last Sunday on the ABC program " This Week " expressed her views on unemployment benefits which IMHO shows nothing but contempt for unemployed people, and an ignorance of how the system works.These aforemented right wing commentators have nothing but contempt for the American people, these commentators speak and are paid for MAMMON and very narrow interests of the large corporations. Most of the hosts on CNBC are of the same ilk, especially Erin Burnet and Lisa Caruso - Cabrero (Wrong spelling I'm sure ) the former who thinks we should follow Chinas no unemployment benefits, the latter who likes off shore tax havens for the wealthy (aka tax cheats ) & wants no limits to be put on the credit card industry,& to make sure those terrible autoworkers get pay reductions - reduced benefits (the gov had better force them ) at the same time urging the government had better keep its hands off those bankers salaries - She screams let the banks run their own affairs. If they had run their banks properly and not be greedy, and care not one wit about the country,no one would be asking for restraint in their salaries - bonuses.
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Re: Hate

Post by movieman1957 »

Whether you like Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. one thing you really can't say they have contempt for the American people. If that is the case then people are a lot dumber than anyone might imagine because these people have larger audiences than anyone else by far. Fox may not be a favorite among many people but like them or not, and I'm not defending anything about them, their audiences double and sometimes triple that of the other news networks. What they say resonates somewhere. I hardly think a bunch of people on the radio qualifies as inciting mob rule.

They are of the position that government is getting to big and too controlling. They are worried that government is taking away the rights of private industry. They're worried about what the government wants done with health care and the individual rights to choose their won plan.

There are enough tax cheats in the administration and others that were nominated and withdrew that that net covers a wide area.


The problem with Obama opening his mouth about the police acting stupidly was just before he said it he said he didn't have all the facts. If he had quit there this would have blown over with very little comment. But no, he had to go on. He didn't mention Gates was his friend and made assumptions that weren't true to the case. Then he followed it up with the ridiculous beer meeting. It was all silly and all because he couldn't pass on the question. No one to blame but him.

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Re: Hate

Post by mrsl »


Believe it or not, I really don't mean to argue, but I'm an old white, widow woman, struggling to keep a roof over my head and enjoy a few comforts. I've raised 4 fine people, and assisted with a few grandkids when asked. I firmly believe in live and let live, but when I tune in to any of the people you listed and hear their grumps and accusations, I hurriedly change the channel. I don't know where you get your statistics about two and three times the audiences, but I truly hope you are wrong and that the average American is not so dumb and uneducated as to accept their catty, racist, war-mongering words.


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Re: Hate

Post by movieman1957 »

Catty? Ok, I can see where that might be but racist and war-mongering is probably a bit much. But you call them as you see them.

As far as the cable tv ratings here is one link. http://tvbythenumbers.com/category/rati ... cable-news

God bless you being the mother and grandmother you are. Four fine people raised because you are a fine woman yourself.

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Re: Hate

Post by Ollie »

I think the wide-open gov't spending has been going on since 1980, when voodoo trickle-downs said "Small gov't is great" and then quadrupled the size of the White House staff from the previous admins. They've been spending money willy-nilly for many many years but refuse to take responsibility for it.

And what's the difference between forced, legislated payments to insurance companies and paying taxes for socialized benefits? We are all forced now to have auto insurance. Why not just tax it? We're forced to get health insurance - why not just create it as a tax? "The gov't can't run this as well" as - WHO? AIG? Yeah, great slogan for the simple-minded hatemongers.
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