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Joan Blondell Day

Posted: September 9th, 2009, 4:16 pm
by Ollie
I snagged the 6 films and have been enjoying them. I'd have never qualified her as part of the Good Screwball Actresses group, but these are fun films and she's the substantial contributor for these. Along with some fun stories, too.

Re: Joan Blondell Day

Posted: September 10th, 2009, 11:32 am
by ken123
The two " Thin Man " like detective films with Melvyn Douglass with not as good as they could have been IMHO, both films needed a more maniac pacing, for this I lay fault on director Alexander Hall. The Amazing Mr. Williams was the more enjoyable of the two, because it had a better supporting cast, Clarence Kolb, & Ruth Donnally among others.

How did the word molest get into that film, Don Beddoe said it twice, Mr Kolb may have uttered it also, I didnt think the code permitted the use of that word, among otherrs -pregnant

Re: Joan Blondell Day

Posted: September 10th, 2009, 12:23 pm
by MissGoddess
Though I only caught part of it (and hopefully recorded the rest), I think There's Always a Woman was very funny.

Ken---I think "molest" may have been used in it's connotation "to bother, to annoy or harras" as opposed to
what we have going on today.

Re: Joan Blondell Day

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 12:22 pm
by CineMaven
As I puttered back & forth from the kitchen to the bedroom, "A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN" was on in the background this morning (Fox Movie Channel again folks). I ran into Joan Blondell.

I watched about a half an hour of "A TREE... " off and on. This film and "I REMEMBER MAMA" (the same immigrant in America ilk) don't really attract my attention. I do have them both on tape as part of my Irene Dunne series or Academy Award-winning something or other in my extensive VHS collection. But I must say, Joan Blondell stopped me dead in my tracks. She had a quiet tense scene with Dorothy McGuire that I thought she acquitted herself nicely. I think I like 1940's Blondell better than 1930's Blondell. She's buxom and vivacious and has a mature vitality that kind of makes me say "Whoa!" "NIGHTMARE ALLEY" and "CRY HAVOC" are both served well by Blondell's presence. I'm sorry now I didn't stay longer with "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn."

A brief aside: In "A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN" Peggy Ann Garner is fantastic as the little girl. You see all the hurt and pain and wonder and trust & belief on her wonderful face. Reminds me of young Anna Paquin in "The Piano." The beautiful Dorothy McGuire has the tough role of the tough Mom who must keep her family together and make all the hard decisions her Peter Pan of a husband will not. When she let her hair down, you could see the softness that was underneath all her hardships. James Dunn (Oscar-winner I believe) is also great as the Dad who dreams and plans but doesn't quite succeed. I saw the pain on his face when he couldn't give his family what they deserved. His singing "Annie Laurie" just about broke my heart. Oh, and check it out: Lloyd Nolan who plays the cop appears with Dorothy McGuire about twenty years later in: "SUSAN SLADE."

And I'll have to IMDB the film to see the name of Francie's teacher in her new school. She was so understanding. I had a tenth grade English teacher who you could look deep into her eyes, and see that she understood you no matter what little high school drama you had. Mine's? I liked a boy, who liked another girl.


Re: Joan Blondell Day

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 2:39 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I'm glad Joan's having her own day, she's a gem.

Re: Joan Blondell Day

Posted: October 23rd, 2009, 7:46 am
by JackFavell
Oh god, I love Joan Blondell in just about anything, at any time period.... A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a great great movie, and one of my favorites, but it is SO painful to watch. Blondell is super, and I love the rapport between her and prim Dorothy McGuire - I totally believe this sister relationship. The way they are bothered by each other's behavior is so dead on it's scary. And when Joan draws herself up to tell her sis what's what, you listen, cause she KNOWS. Her scnes with Peggy Ann are so simple and warm. I wish I had an aunt Cissie.

Another favorite for me is Desk Set in which Blondell almost steals the picture. I think the thing I like most about her is her relationship to the other actors.... there is always something palpable between her and her costars, whether it's Kate Hepburn or Warren William.

Re: Joan Blondell Day

Posted: October 23rd, 2009, 1:11 pm
by rudyfan
JackFavell wrote:Oh god, I love Joan Blondell in just about anything, at any time period.... A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a great great movie, and one of my favorites, but it is SO painful to watch. Blondell is super, and I love the rapport between her and prim Dorothy McGuire - I totally believe this sister relationship. The way they are bothered by each other's behavior is so dead on it's scary. And when Joan draws herself up to tell her sis what's what, you listen, cause she KNOWS. Her scnes with Peggy Ann are so simple and warm. I wish I had an aunt Cissie.

Another favorite for me is Desk Set in which Blondell almost steals the picture. I think the thing I like most about her is her relationship to the other actors.... there is always something palpable between her and her costars, whether it's Kate Hepburn or Warren William.
Jack, I am SO with you on the glorious Joan Blondell!

I'm just beside myself I missed Tree Grows in Brooklyn :(

She steals Desk Set and Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? if you're asking me.

May I add here some shameless promotion? My podcast interview with Matt Kennedy went up live a week or so back. It's our discussion on his bio Joan Blondell: A Life Between Takes. and it's on iTunes, too. (End of commercial announcement) Matt was a total delight to talk to.

Re: Joan Blondell Day

Posted: October 23rd, 2009, 1:32 pm
by mrsl
As much as I love Joan Blondell, Cinemaven mentioned Lloyd Nolan, an actor I've admired since I was a little girl. From his gangster roles in the 30's to the irascible Dr. Chegley to Diahann Carroll's Julia on TV, he was always the gruff guy with the heart of gold. Married to the same woman for 60 years, he struggled but made it through his final acting stint with Angela Lansbury on Murder She Wrote although he was badly ill with throat cancer. Years ago, I saw something that listed his marriage, and every now and then I would look him up and he was still married until she died. I believe he then married his nurse or something. He's so little remembered, it's hard to find anything on him for me since I'm not sure of where to look. But his deep, resonant voice, happy smile, and straight posture just sparked some weird admiration in me. He worked with Joan in a few movies, I don't recall names but he was usually the steady, policeman, or detective, or any other reliable character needed in the movie. Sorry to go off topic but it does kind of intertwine.
