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Dr. Who to guest in side-kick Serah's show

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 11:27 am
David Tennant has been voted the top Doctor Who by %25 of readers of The Doctor Who magazine. I gather to he's topped quite high in some U.S poll along with Kiefer Sutherland. I think he'd make a great James Bond.

David, who'll retire from playing The Doctor in the Christmas special, will guest star as the Doc in The Sarah Jane Adventures when he travels down to earth, not only to save the planet, but to stop his former assistant, back in the days when he was Tom Baker, from marrying the wrong man, Charriots Of Fire, Passage To India, star Nigel Havers.

Producer Russell T Davis has stressed it's not a cameo appearence, it's a full on guest role. However, he also added it would be a supporting role as it's Sarah Jane's show and Elisabeth Sladen, who looks even better than she did 30-yrs before when she appeared with Baker, still in the lead role.

Sarah Jane, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble and Captain Jack Harness appeared together in one of the great Doctor Who's ever, when they helped The Doctor defeat Davros and his Daleks, saving the Universe in the process

Here's an introtuction to TSJA, plus the Dr. reunited with Sarah, only she doesn't realise it at first

Re: Dr. Who to guest in side-kick Serah's show

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 12:02 pm
And this is the link where Sarah recognizes her old pal, plus a brief Doc