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Most Compelling / Emotional Anti - Bigotry Film

Posted: November 29th, 2009, 12:46 pm
by ken123
Many John Ford films, touch on the subject of racial / religious / ethnic bigotry, even Donavan's Reef and the 1930's Will Rogers yarn Judge Priest. Frank Borzage deals with overseas bigotry in The Mortal Storm, but " mob rule " can break out anywhere, witness Fritz Lang's Fury, and William Wellman's The Ox Bow Incident. The Archie Mayo directed The Black Legion. has always fascinated me, also The Trial with Glenn Ford, Dorthy McGuire, and Arthur Kennedy. Crossfire, IMHO is far ahead of the much acclaimed Gentlemen's Agreement, when it comes to films dealing with anti - semitism, Gentlemens is soap opera. If you find a film too preachy please mention it, or if feel it is over the top or to heavy handed. I feel Stanley Kramer's Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, fits the too preachy category. :oops: