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Neel Kashkari - Cut Social Security

Posted: July 26th, 2010, 3:16 pm
by ken123
In an op - ed for The Washington Post Neel Kashkari, the former administrator for TARP ( Troubled Asset Relief Program ) wrote that entitlements including Social Security need to be cut in order that all Americans share in the sacrifices in these troubled times. Lets see Banks, who were basically unregulated buring Bush43s' administration,get $700billion, while grandma & grandpa need a cut, even if they are justing making ends meet right now. The banks gave out generous bonuses, many to individuals who made " unwise " decisions and Mr. Feinberg, who is in charge of over seeing how the banks handle the TARP loan, cant do a thing about it, some over these bonuses in in the millions of dollars, but the middle & lower class MUST take a cut. The cut off for paying into SS is about $100,000, no talk on raising that limit. My God the wealthy cant pay, Fox ( maybe it was Fox Business ) was screaming about how terrible it would be not to extend the Bush43 tax cuts - THE LARGEST TAX HIKE in HISTORY !!!!!! their schroll read on the bottom of the screne.How about raising the limit, in re SS taxes, and exempt for first $50,000 made so those in the $100 - 200 thousand would see little ( if any ) increase in their payroll taxes. Wasn't Ronnies' doubling of SS payroll taxes the largest ever tax increase ? Oh yeah I forgot that increase was on the lower & middle income earners, only tax increases on the wealthy count. Neel Kashkari speakesman for MAMMON, he is sure to go far in todays world, as it has always been. HuffingtonPost has thousands of comments on Mr. Kashkaris" op - ed. Oh yes, Mr.Kashkari believes that the elderly care to much about themselves and need to be less self centered. Doesn't the bible say something about there being a special place for those who make widows & orphans suffer. I think the bible also says something about serving Mammon and its interests. :cry: