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Crap - My State Made the Cut - Did Yours?

Posted: August 16th, 2010, 5:05 pm
by klondike
America's most medicated state?
West Virginia

State has highest rate of prescription drug use in the country
By Nathalie Tadena

Spending on prescription drugs in the U.S. multiplied nearly six times from $40.3 billion in 1990 to $234.1 billion in 2008, according to the nonprofit Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. From 1999 to 2009 the number of prescriptions dispensed rose 39% (from 2.8 billion to 3.9 billion) compared to a U.S. population growth of only 9% over the same period.

Who takes the most medication?
In 2009 West Virginia had the highest prescription drug use of all states, according to data gathered from retail pharmacies and compiled by health care information company SDI.

The state filled 18.4 prescriptions per capita, compared with a national per-capita average of 11.6 prescriptions. The Mountain State also had the highest rate of prescription drug utilization the previous year, as Forbes reported last August.

In West Virginia many patients have "comorbid" conditions that require a cocktail of drugs to treat, says Peggy King, pharmacy director for West Virginia's Bureau for Medical Services.

Of the adult population in West Virginia, 12.3% have diabetes, more than 68% are obese or overweight, 27% are smokers, nearly 30% report poor mental health and nearly 20% report having a disability, according to the most recent statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition the CDC reports that 229,400 per 100,000 deaths in West Virginia were the result of heart disease, well above the national average of 190,000. The state's Medicaid program, which in 2009 had 393,187 beneficiaries, does not limit the number of prescriptions most patients can receive through the program, King said.

"A chronic disease state needs medication, you want to make sure your patients are properly treated and have all the drugs they need," King says, reiterating that the state has a large number of patients with diabetes, asthma and lipid disorders as well as a number of patients with disabilities or a mental health conditions.

Nationwide the growth in prescription drug use may be attributed to the development of a wide range of treatments for various medical conditions, an increased ease of obtaining a prescription from a doctor and the general rise in obesity, diabetes and heart disease among adults.

As a result some experts say many patients may be taking more pills than they should.

"Many people equate taking medication with getting better," says Paul Doering, professor in the department of pharmacotherapy and translational research at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy. "My mantra when it comes to prescriptions is 'less is more' for a lot of reasons — not only financial, but also because those drugs can hurt you sometimes."

In the second-most medicated state, Tennessee, there were 16.9 retail prescriptions filled per capita. More than 65% of adults in the state can be classified as obese or overweight, and 10% of all adults have diabetes. Alabama, Kentucky and Arkansas round out the top five. All the states on our list have prescription drug use rates well above the national average, and they all have large impoverished areas and higher incidences of certain dangerous medical conditions than other regions.

While the majority of patients seek prescription drugs for medical purposes, there is a growing concern of the increase in the misuse of prescription medications, says Dr. Westley Clark, director of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment under the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Pain relievers used for nonmedical purposes are now the second most common type of illicit drug use, after marijuana.

The number of substance abuse treatment admissions for individuals 12 and older more than quadrupled from 2.2% in 1998 to 9.8% in 2008, SAMHSA reported earlier this month. The majority of individuals who use prescription pain relievers for nonmedical purposes obtained the drug from a friend or family member for free.

"Access increase gives rise to ease of abuse," Clark says. "People are sharing these drugs without reflection, and that could endanger a lot of people. We often hear people talk about prescriptions sitting in the medicine cabinet and it will slowly disappear. It's important for people to know that these drugs have abuse potential as well."

Many states have started prescription drug monitoring programs, and Clark says patients should properly dispose of leftover prescription pills.

Hydrocodone/APAP with more than 120 million retail prescriptions last year, according to SDI. Other top-prescribed drugs in 2009 included Lisinopril, which is used to treat high blood pressure; Simvastatin, which is used to lower cholesterol; Levothyroxine, used for thyroid problems; and Amoxicillin and Azithromycin, used to treat bacterial infections.

Experts say consumers would do well to remember that many medical conditions can be mitigated without prescription pills--or better yet, prevented altogether.
"Lifestyle changes of course could help our population because of the obesity rates and the poor diet and lack of exercise in our population," says Peggy King. "It could certainly help anyone."

Complete List of Top 10 Most Medicated States:

1) West Virginia
2) Tennessee
3) Alabama
4) Kentucky
5) Arkansas
6) South Carolina
7) Mississippi
viii) Iowa
9) Missouri
10) Vermont <<<<<<<<<< :shock: :x :oops: :x :x

Re: Crap - My State Made the Cut - Did Yours?

Posted: August 16th, 2010, 7:43 pm
by Birdy
Wow - and I thought WV was almost heaven! Apparently there is a lot of stress in heaven, leading to all that chronic illness. Believe it or not, IL did not make this list. I don't know where we fall lately on the meth list, though. Klondike, do you know of a website that has these health statistics for all states? I enjoy a sad comparison every now and then.

Re: Crap - My State Made the Cut - Did Yours?

Posted: August 16th, 2010, 7:57 pm
by klondike

Re: Crap - My State Made the Cut - Did Yours?

Posted: August 16th, 2010, 8:02 pm
by mrsl
Do you realize that in the years from 1999 to 2009, most of the baby boomers became of the age to receive Social Security? Along with the age of 60 comes hearing problems, arthritis, seeing problems (mostly cataracts), and so many other physical problems that were totally new and had introduced themselves for the first time. In 1999 I climbed a tree with my grandson, but by 2008 I could barely walk up a 5 step stairway. In 1999 I could roam all over the Brookfield Zoo, and the Museum of Science and Industry in one weekend, now I cannot walk to the corner of my block. Every day I take a handful of medicine pills to help alleviate some of the pain. All I'm saying is that many of those baby boomers are in the same spot I am, and I wonder what sort of an increase we'll have between now and 2020. The next big increase will probably come between 2020 and 2040 to cover the baby boom of Vietnam.

Re: Crap - My State Made the Cut - Did Yours?

Posted: August 16th, 2010, 8:05 pm
by JackFavell
I never do this. You guys know that I never even come to these threads, because I hate the ranting and politics. I am going to apologize in advance for my irritation. I am going to rant and it probably won't even make sense.

This kind of article just bugs me.

First of all, there is no information or breakdown of how the surveys and analyses were done. GIVE US THE STATISTICS.

Secondly, the authors makes wild pronouncements based on faulty thinking. The writers or surveyors are basing their "findings" on what "problem" they want to focus on. Obesity could explain these findings. So could states with populations high in the number of elderly - but there is no mention of age. There is another possibility - that doctors in those states are prescribing more due to other reasons besides health, like they get free stuff from certain drug companies. I am sure there are a hundred other possible reasons for these findings that we will never hear of. Publish the STATS and let people come to their own conclusions.

You see, there is no way to figure out the "why" here, and yet, we have another column about how the poor and the fat are abusing drugs and sucking the wealth out of our country. I am so sick of these unsubstantiated surveys and idiotic conclusions getting reportage on a national level, forcing regular people to come to conclusions that are flawed.

Yes, we have an obesity problem in the U.S. I do understand that. But nothing is going to change until there is a radical overhaul of our economy, based on real food and real work. Pretty soon, everything we eat will be made of corn or fat. If the cheapest food in our stores is all corn syrup and fat, well, guess what? The poorest members of our population will be fat and terribly unhealthy - and it is not necessarily their fault. It is our fault and the fault of our government and the blame goes all the way around to just about every system we have in place right now. Sometimes, I swear, there is a plot in this country to kill off the poor and the ugly. Lifestyle change, huh? Yeah, well, let's see if the country can make a real lifestyle change - one that doesn't rely on drug companies and their profits, or the insurance industry telling doctors when and when not to treat patients, or national food chains and giant farm complexes stomping the little guys out of existence with rules and regulations designed to protect the large and defeat the competition.

Make it easier, not harder, for the organic farmers and small farmers to sell their food, - make it easier, not harder, for people to buy real food. I see no way to do this easily.... unless we have some kind of national disaster, or people rise up and throw aside the national food store chains in favor of buying local food from small farms who have no special interests. Help your neighbors who are farmers. Help your neighbors if they cannot buy healthy food. Oh, that's right. We don't know our neighbors anymore. We can't even walk to the market or grow our own food.

I just see this whole trend in blaming the poor for our problems, separating out the poverty stricken and the fat into separate groups to be reviled and blamed - this can come to no good. Just once, I'd like to see one of these writers come up with a way to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to economically challenged families at the same prices that junk food sells for. Quit separating us based on stupid lines in the sand. Bring people together for a CHANGE.

Sorry. This kind of non-news just aggravates me.

Re: Crap - My State Made the Cut - Did Yours?

Posted: August 16th, 2010, 10:43 pm
by Birdy
I'm so lucky. I live in a community where people leave extra produce in odd public places for whoever wants it. There are always vegetables in the laundomat, etc. Talk about zucchini coming out of your ears!