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This and that and your opinions

Posted: August 18th, 2010, 1:27 am
by mrsl
Some of this stuff we have touched on before, but some of it makes me nuts when watching movies, whether I love them or not. I'll never understand someone who takes the time and effort to light a cigarette with a match, notwithstanding the fact they may just toss the match which would be unthinkable. Often the person has no matches and has to ask for one, then fight with the wind to get it lit . . . then they take one puff and throw the cigarette away. Why bother? To me, Bogey was famous for tossing lit matches and cigarettes to the floor instead of into an ashtray - I hate to think how many fires he would have started.

It's similar with drinks. Some traumatic thing happens and the person says "I need a drink", then proceeds to take one very small sip and walk away a couple of minutes later, leaving the whole drink there on the bar. Also, unless its' a party, where they serve drinks on the rocks, 'a drink' means straight liquor poured into a large whiskey glass, rarely mixed with anything. I spent a lot of time in bars and lounges as a waitress and bartendar and I don't ever recall a woman ordering whiskey straight. I worked in nice steak houses so maybe it was the wrong clientele, but i put in a lot of time to never have a customer order that way.

Pretty much the same thing goes for food. Often a couple is on a date, and they order a lovely dinner, then get up to dance, and either leave from the dance floor, or get a phone call about some police or reporter thing and off they go. I often feel sorry for the poor waiter who get stiffed on two steak dinners, plus gets it deducted from his paycheck. It also happens in diners and hamburger joints.

In Westerns, why is it that only the star and his friends, and sometimes the leader of the bad guys, wear clean clothes, but everyone else is all grubby and dirty.
I know its silly, but sometimes I can't help but see these things happening and wonder about them.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: August 20th, 2010, 8:56 am
by pvitari
I always wonder why in movie and TV shows people hang up the phone without saying goodbye. :)

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: September 8th, 2010, 5:59 pm
by sandykaypax
I've also been bothered by characters leaving restaurants without paying the check! Maybe it's seen as an unnecessary detail.

I think that with drinks and cigarettes, it's easier for continuity for the characters to take only a small sip or one puff.

The thing that always bugs me is when a character makes a date and they don't get the person's address, phone number, OR set a time!

Sandy K

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: September 8th, 2010, 7:07 pm
by Uncle Stevie
Now you rang my bells. I have long wondered why people in movies enter an apartment or their home and immediately run to the liquor bottles as though the story could not continue without a drink. Also the ice bucket always has ice in it. The same is true of coffee. There is always a pot of coffee ready when they come home.

In Musicals have you ever noticed that there is always a piano in the hotel room and musical stars always have a piano in their bedroom. I saw a Jane Powell movie where young Jane joined a youth hostile picking fruit on a farm but their wooden shack bunk room had a piano in it.

In 30s and 40s movies they are often in France or somewhere in Europe and not one character has a native accent except Fernando Lamas and he is Latin. In Rich Young And Pretty Vic Damone claimed to be born in France and raised in England but had no trace of an accent except Hollywood American.

Edward G Robinson smoked cigars as did many actors but nobody seemed to mind.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: September 8th, 2010, 10:32 pm
by klondike
Uncle Stevie wrote:In 30s and 40s movies they are often in France or somewhere in Europe and not one character has a native accent except Fernando Lamas and he is Latin. In Rich Young And Pretty Vic Damone claimed to be born in France and raised in England but had no trace of an accent except Hollywood American.
Remember French actor Christopher Lambert as the Scottish immortal in Highlander, threatening Clancy Brown with: "In dee and, dair kahn be only whonn !!" :lol:
All of a sudden, Tony Curtis in The Vikings doesn't sound all that bad! :roll: :| :|

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: September 9th, 2010, 6:58 am
by ChiO
All of a sudden, Tony Curtis in The Vikings doesn't sound all that bad!
Maybe you have forgotten that Mr. Curtis is from the Bronxsvenska area of Viking Land.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: September 9th, 2010, 7:30 am
by klondike
ChiO wrote:
All of a sudden, Tony Curtis in The Vikings doesn't sound all that bad!
Maybe you have forgotten that Mr. Curtis is from the Bronxsvenska area of Viking Land.
Being cast as the son of Viking Chief Ernest Borgnine, could there be any doubt?

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: September 9th, 2010, 9:24 am
by Uncle Stevie
At least Meryl Streep tries all the accents. And today's movies generaly employ foreign speaking people with the exception of Americans. There seems to be a run on people from Europe who develop and speak American. It is startling to hear Toni Collete and Hugh Laurie speak on TV in their native tongue.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: September 30th, 2010, 8:56 pm
by JackFavell
How many bullets can one gun fire without reloading?
How many punches can a man take without having his hair mussed or getting a bloody nose or a black eye? :D

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: September 30th, 2010, 9:02 pm
by movieman1957
The simple answer is ---- too many.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: September 30th, 2010, 10:03 pm
by klondike
JackFavell wrote: How many punches can a man take without having his hair mussed or getting a bloody nose or a black eye? :D
Oddly enough, it helps a great deal to be approximately 64% drunk: you still get mussed & bloody & bruised, but you really don't care very much. :|

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 1st, 2010, 6:21 am
by ChiO
How many punches can a man take without having his hair mussed or getting a bloody nose or a black eye?
Chris is right on this one.

On September 17, I was quite surprised to learn that as a 59.5 year old, white haired, average build and sober fellow I was able to absorb over a dozen direct shots to my face (mostly mouth and near-eye region) and a bottle broken over my head administered by some wayward youths and yet...I did not go to the ground, my hair was not mussed, there was no blood (other than a slight abrasion to the lips), no bloody nose and no black eye (though one was blood-shot for a couple of days).

A combination of God and adrenalin can be an amazing thing.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 1st, 2010, 7:14 am
by knitwit45
How awful :shock: :shock: Were the little stinkers (this is a family site, isn't it?) caught? I certainly hope so. And did you see a doctor? Was this near your home, or while you were in DC? Thank God you are ok.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 1st, 2010, 8:22 am
by moira finnie
Oh, ChiO! I hope you're alright. I'm really sorry to see that this happened to you.

Re: This and that and your opinions

Posted: October 1st, 2010, 8:25 am
by movieman1957

What in the world happened?


How many of those bar fights end with the two that started it having a drink somewhere together afterward?