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We are never leaving Afganistan

Posted: September 30th, 2010, 7:11 am
by ken123
So says Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a GOP holdover from the Bush administration and Iran - Contra figure. Well thats about par for the course for the American Defense Establishment. WW2 has been over for over 60 years and the U.S. still has military bases in Germany & Japan. The perpetual war for the permanent peace - Oceania Was Always at War with East Asia. :(

Re: We are never leaving Afganistan

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 6:46 am
by mrsl
The combat troops are gone Ken, but the troops that remain are the ones who are building roads, schools and other for the people. That's what ticks me off. Let them build their own buildings and bring our guys home entirely. If there is nothing for them to do, let them go to Mississippi, or Louisiana and rebuild there. I'd like to know what purpose is filled by G.I. troops being stationed in Germany - what do they do there?

Re: We are never leaving Afganistan

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 9:40 am
by movieman1957

To the best of my knowledge the bases in Germany are now a stop for returning soldiers. They also have a first rate hospital there that gives them excellent care without them having to wait to get back to the states.