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Irelands Credit Rating

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 1:36 am
by ken123
On Friday Moodys dropped the Republic of Ireland bond rating to Baa1, three points above " junk ". Rival rating agency has Ireland at BBB+, and Standard & Poors rated Ireland at A in late November, but is ex[ected to lower the rating later this month. All this comes on top of Moodys announcement earlier this week the the U. S. bond rating is likely to suffering a lowering of it rate, which leads to higher interest rates, due to the Obama - GOP tax compromise which will lower teh government take in revenue and a larger deficet, which IMHO will lead next year for a call for massive budgets cuts and a great reduction in public services and the the guttering of Social Security and Medicare,just see what Arizona has done to its Medicade patients in regard to transplant patients with more cuts on the way. Austery is the wave that is hitting all over the Western World and America will not be spared. O hmy god we live in a country that gives tax breaks to the super wealthy while 9 - 1 -1 first responders have to wait and die prematurely. :(

Re: Irelands Credit Rating

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 9:46 am
by klondike
Most folks I know living in the Republic of Ireland claim they expected this to happen by the end of this decade, due to the pendulum swinging back from their champagne days there in the mid - late 90's, the years of affluence that they refer to as the Celtic Tiger.