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Mickey Rooney Abused

Posted: February 16th, 2011, 3:34 pm
by mongoII
LOS ANGELES — A judge has granted Mickey Rooney a temporary restraining order from his stepson, who is accused in court filings of withholding food and medicine from the 90-year-old veteran actor and meddling in his personal finances.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Reva Goetz approved the stay-away order on Monday after attorneys for Rooney sought protection for the Academy Award-nominated actor, claiming he lives in fear of stepson Chris Aber.

The order requires Aber to stay 100 yards away from Rooney and his home and to refrain from contacting the actor until a hearing on Feb. 24, when the restraining order may be extended.

"Chris is verbally abusive toward Mickey," the court filing states. "He yells and screams at Mickey. He threatens, intimidates, bullies, and harasses Mickey.

"Mickey is effectively a prisoner in his own home," the filing states.

It accuses Aber of forcing Rooney to make certain personal appearances, and has required him to sign financial documents without reading them.

Attempts to find a working phone number for Aber were unsuccessful.

The actor's attorneys also obtained a temporary conservatorship for Rooney to protect his personal and financial interests. The order allows the attorneys to secure Rooney's financials assets and obtain control of his website and any financial documents in Aber's possession.

Rooney is described in a news release about the case as still being sharp-witted.
Story continues below

"All I want to do is live a peaceful life, to regain my life and be happy," Rooney wrote in a statement. "I pray to God each day to protect us, help us endure, and guide those other senior citizens who are also suffering."

Rooney's film career spans more than eight decades and he received four Academy Award nominations and an honorary Oscar. In the 1930s and 40s, he played Andy Hardy in a series of films, and received his first Oscar nominations in 1939 for "Babes in Arms" and in 1943 for "The Human Comedy."

Shame on that idiot.

Re: Mickey Rooney Abused

Posted: February 16th, 2011, 3:38 pm
by MissGoddess
Wow! It surprises one to think anyone could mess with The Mick, especially when it's their own relative...well, a stepson isn't blood. Oh what a mess. Isn't Mickey married? I'm sorry to hear stuff like this but am tremendously glad Mick's fighting back through legal means.

Life was simpler at MGM.

Re: Mickey Rooney Abused

Posted: February 16th, 2011, 3:52 pm
by charliechaplinfan
What a shame, I hope this ruling will give him the peace he deserves.

Re: Mickey Rooney Abused

Posted: February 16th, 2011, 5:24 pm
by moira finnie
What a prize human being Mr. Aber appears to be! If you believe in Karma, God help him if he ever reaches the age of 90. Where, I wonder, are Mickey Rooney's nine biological children? I realize that Mickey's personal life has definitely had some problems in the past, but wouldn't any one of them be available to help their father?

This is so sad.

Re: Mickey Rooney Abused

Posted: February 16th, 2011, 6:19 pm
by Professional Tourist
According to the IMDb, Chris Aber is Mikey's wife Jan's son from her first marriage. Jan is almost twenty years younger than Mickey, so why Chris would need to be involved in their day-to-day life is not apparent. People can usually still manage their own affairs well when in their early seventies as is Jan. :?

Re: Mickey Rooney Abused

Posted: February 16th, 2011, 8:02 pm
by ChiO
Boy, I hope I'm never accused of doing something bad. Mr. Aber may be an awful human being, or on the other hand....

Note that the article refers only to what the filing by Rooney's attorneys stated.

Note that the article says nothing about what Mr. Aber or his representatives argued. It is unclear as to whether he was represented or even had notice.

Note that some members of the bar have -- on occasion -- pressed such issues on behalf of a client to protect their own interests as well as, presumably, their client's.

Note that this is a temporary restraining order, not a permanent restraining order, with a lower standard for issuance.

Note that things are not always as they first may appear. See, e.g., F FOR FAKE.

Re: Mickey Rooney Abused

Posted: February 16th, 2011, 8:06 pm
by moira finnie
All true and valid points, ChiO. You're right. But it is still sad that this problem has to be dealt with in court at all.

Re: Mickey Rooney Abused

Posted: March 2nd, 2011, 9:24 pm
by mongoII
Emotional Mickey Rooney to Senate: I'm a Victim of Elder Abuse

By Tracey Harrington McCoy Posted Mar 2nd 2011 08:45PM UPDATE

Just two weeks after Mickey Rooney was granted a restraining order against his stepson after accusing him of abuse, the entertainment legend asked a Senate committee to stop elderly abuse. reports the 90-year old gave emotional testimony to the Senate Special Committee on Aging on Tuesday. The actor described feeling "scared, disappointed, yes, and angry."

"You can't believe that it's happening to you," Rooney continued. "You feel overwhelmed."

Rooney asked the committee to make elderly abuse a specific crime. "I'm asking you to stop this elderly abuse. I mean to stop it. Now. Not tomorrow, not next month, but now," he urged.

"For years I suffered silently. I didn't want to tell anybody. I couldn't muster the courage and you have to have courage," Rooney revealed Wednesday. "I needed help and I knew I needed it. Even when I tried to speak up, I was told to shut up and be quiet."

Rooney was granted a temporary restraining order against his stepson last month after accusing him of withholding food and medicine. In addition to the restraining order, Rooney's attorneys also obtained temporary conservatorship over his financial assets.

"All I want to do is live a peaceful life, to regain my life and be happy," Rooney said in a released statement at the time. "I pray to God each day to protect us, help us endure, and guide those other senior citizens who are also suffering."

One of Rooney's sons should grab this guy and punch the crap out of him. Where are they?

Re: Mickey Rooney Abused

Posted: March 3rd, 2011, 12:47 am
by Rita Hayworth
This is really sad - I hope that awful man get the punishment he deserves.

He one of those entertainers that makes you laugh and make you feel good all over.

Historical Footnote: He was the 1st choice to play the Penguin - In Adam West's BATMAN television show in the mid-60's.