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Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 11:08 am
by charliechaplinfan
I don't usually have much interest in the Oscars but this year I'm hoping and praying that The King's Speech walks away with some biggies, especially the acting Oscar for Colin Firth. Of course, I haven't seen any of the other films that are up for contention but I'm a Brit and I'm supporting my own.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to how it's going to go?

Second Question

I've been trying to find the odds on what film/actor/actress is going to win but they are all Briitsh sites that come up and the odds on Colin Firth is 1/66. I guess that we patriotic Brits are going mad and backing our guys, so I've tried to find an American site but hubby says they might not exist because you have tight gambling laws. Is this true? Can you not bet on Oscar winners either in a shop or online?

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 11:14 am
by Rita Hayworth
charliechaplinfan wrote:I don't usually have much interest in the Oscars but this year I'm hoping and praying that The King's Speech walks away with some biggies, especially the acting Oscar for Colin Firth. Of course, I haven't seen any of the other films that are up for contention but I'm a Brit and I'm supporting my own.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to how it's going to go?
I don't have any interest in the Oscars this year - and I have no clues of how it's going to go and so forth.

To me, this whole thing is so secretive - I'm more interested of its aftermath - than the show itself.
I don't watch any award shows, Academy, Grammy, Country and Music Awards, and on, and on, and on.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 11:23 am
by knitwit45
Alison, there are so many award shows televised and promoted, by the time the Oscars get here, many people are deadened to all the hoopla. (I'm waiting for "best wart on end of nose" awards, the WARTIE.) :roll: :roll: :roll:
Seriously, I find most of the acceptance speeches uncomfortable to watch, thanking gazillions of folks we don't have a clue as to who they are. I'm sure they are important to the recipient, but I'd love to hear a simple "Thank you!" now and then.

I too am rooting for Colin Firth, he is a wonderful actor with an impressive body of work behind him. Jeff Bridges is simply killer in True Grit, I think it's going to be a nail biter.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 1:10 pm
by Lzcutter
I've been watching the Oscars for over forty years and will be watching again this year. I know many people don't like them but I'm one of those strange birds who does. In spite of the gaffes over the years, there have been some incredibly moving moments and I'm glad I got to watch them in real time.

I suspect this year will be no different, gaffes and all.

Best Picture: The King's Speech
Best Actor: Colin Firth, The King's Speech
Best Actress: Natalie Portman, The Black Swan
Best Supporting Actor: Christian Bale, The Fighter (but Geoffrey Rush may upset that prediction)
Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo The Fighter (though look for Hailee Steinfeld to be the upset in this category)
Best Director: David Fincher, The Social Network (unless the Academy goes for British sweep, which is possible)
Best Adapted Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network
Best Original Screenplay: The King's Speech
Best Animated Film: Toy Story 3

As for betting, many people bet on the Oscars but just for fun. For years I had a Oscar party and everyone threw in $5 dollars and filled out a ballot. Winner took the kitty.
Today, Oscar parties are everywhere as are Oscar pools at work.

But, you can't place bets on the Oscar in casinos in Las Vegas or Atlantic City or any on-line gaming places.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 2:51 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Here it's the Oscars that are the awards that everyone is bothered about. I've never watched it in real time as it's on way too late, I just hope when the radio clicks on again tomorrow it's Colin Firth and The King's Speech that's been honoured. I am worried that it might go to Jeff Bridges that'll mean he's won two years in a row and the same character has won twice, I can see that it's tempting.

I'm surprised that Helena Bonham Carter isn't expected to get Best Supporting Actress, I thought she was amazing, the same with Jeffery Rush.

I hope your Oscar parties go well and you win the kitty.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 6:47 pm
by srowley75
I'll be doing homework, but even if I wasn't, I'd be watching episodes of Kevin Brownlow's HOLLYWOOD.

I'm hoping voters went for The Social Network rather than The King's Speech, but it's not looking too good. I liked The King's Speech, but for sheer relevance, it pales in comparison.

And I'm hoping Jennifer Lawrence upsets Natalie Portman, but it doesn't look too promising for that to happen at this point, either.


Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 8:10 pm
by Lzcutter
Looks like Ben M is going back to facial hair. He's on the red carpet and is either growing it back or didn't shave.

My money is on the facial hair.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 9:03 pm
by Lzcutter
Kirk Douglas was awesome as were Alec Baldwin and Morgan Freeman in the opening.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 10:36 pm
by klondike
Well, good for Melissa - she's a Vermont-raised girl (just 5.5 miles southwest of the street where I live), and she won for starring in a Massachusetts flick.
But, not meaning to sound too grouchy, there was another movie set in a neighborhood of Boston this year, and it was better than The Fighter, and that was The Town!

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 11:13 pm
by Lzcutter
The In Memoriam segment was very good this year. Wish they hadn't cut back to Celine mid-song but over all, one of the better years for this segment.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 4:42 am
by charliechaplinfan
Well, I'm a happy girl this morning. 4 Oscars, if I had to pick the 4 Oscars The King's Speech would receive these are the ones I'd pick. I've not been so enthused by a British film in years, I didn't like the film The Queen but The King's Speech was inspiring, well acted and respectful to it's subjects.

I'm anxious to see The Black Swan but with myself and Mum being ill it's touch and go whether we'll get to see it on the big screen.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 10:31 am
by moira finnie
Who's Going to Win the Oscars?
It sure wasn't the audience! Too long, too unfunny, and thank goodness Kirk Douglas, Alec Baldwin, Morgan Freeman, and Billy Crystal showed up to enliven the proceedings for a moment or two. Though I must admit I was dozing through most of the show, did James Franco ever look at Anne Hathaway directly? He seemed completely oblivious to her (and the billion or so watching him behave in what seemed a rude and detached way). Of course, looking over the plethora of videos made by the pair for AMPAS to promote their appearance, maybe they were tired of each other by the actual event?

Celine Dion was, as usual, too bathetic for this listener as she sang, but this morning I read that Corey Haim, Peter Graves, Betty Garrett, cinematographer Don Peterman, Lisa Blount, and Maria Schneider were among those left out of the In Memoriam tribute. Why? I realize there is some arbitrary cut-off for those included from year to year, but is it really that hard to keep track of everyone who has passed away between one year and the next year's ceremony?

Not a lot of surprises among the winners, though the films that did win seem to reflect the audience's hunger for stories about people (not 3-D or CGI fx). I wonder when these Oscar-winning films will come out on DVD? Bet it is soon. I wonder if next year they try to entice Billy Crystal back in the saddle?

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 10:40 am
by Lzcutter

I'll never understand the Academy's presistence at leaving people out of the In Memoriam montage. They could have included more if they hadn't cut back to Celine mid-song.

I'd love for Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway to co-host next year.

Hathaway was great. James Franco, not so much.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 11:30 am
by movieman1957
I had to sit through some of it. I thought Natalie Portman thanked so many people my name was bound to turn up. Colin Firth's speech was fun in a way that only the British can pull off. The little love notes to the Best Actress nominees were a too mushy. At least Sandra Bullock had a chance to inject a little humor in her love notes. I only saw Melissa Leo's appearance later but at least she looked mortified at what she said.

The best part was the "Name That Tune" part of Oscar winning songs to close it out.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 11:56 am
by mongoII
I enjoyed the Oscars last night although the winners were predictable (no surprises). I watched "The Social Network" on DVD before the show and was glad I didn't have to pay to see it at a theater. The hosts were a refreshing change. The opening was priceless. Kirk Douglas was a hoot.
Betty Garrett will most likely be remembered next year since she past away in 2011.