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Voting reform and Scottish elections

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 8:31 am
This week is very important politically for the UK, but more so in Scotland.

Voting reform is a UK issue and one I'm in favor of. At the moment we have First Past The Post, where the winner of the seat wins. In ther reform, there is a 2nd preference, a 3rd and a 4rth and so on. The candidate in last is eliminated and the voters 2nd preference comes into play. This goes on until the final 2 remaining then the winner is picked. Though I'll be voting for reform I think First Past The Post will win, but I worry that some will vote for FPTP because their against the voting reform on the table, but still want a change to the election system

There is a similiar situation with the Scottish elections, which does have a PR voting system. I think a lot of people think, me included that the Scottish National Party under Alec Salmond has done a good job, inspite of the credit crunch, with a minority Goverment. However, the SNP is a Nationalist part, who want to break away from the United Kingdom, which I think would be a disaster for Scotland. The one question I'd have for Salmond is what would be his answer to voters, who think his party have done a good job, but in no way would approve of Independance. My worry is if a Majority SNP Goverment win that the party might see it as a vote for a breakaway from the UK, though they would need a referendum to get it through

The Labour Party is the only one capable of beating the SNP, but both they and leader Iain Gray have been a disappointment in the build up to the election. I think former leader Wendy Alexander, who lost her job due to accepting dubious donations, might have made a difference. The Liberal's who normally do well in Scotland might suffer because of the National coalition with the Tory's. The Tory's are lttle more than a token force in Scotland and I don't know if leader Annabel Goldie has done any favours by suggesting 14-yr-olds can leave school if they have aprenticeships to go on

Re: Voting reform and Scottish elections

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 1:35 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Stuart, we differ again and always so cordially. I think Scotland's issues are very different to the England's, I'll vote but I don't think there will be a big turnout here, I don't think anyone is switched on by the AV vote, not enough to go out in numbers. I think the system will be very confusing to administer and I don't have a second preference, so I'll have to say no.