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Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 13th, 2011, 5:54 am
by Libertine
Tallulah Bankhead - what a name! I have to admit this was what made me interested in her - her first name. I found it actually pretty amusing: Tal-Lu-Lah. This name guaranteed to be remembered.

The first time I have seen her in a movie was in The Devil and the Deep with Gary Cooper. I found her to be some kind of a mixture of Garbo and Davis.. appearance, acting... I definitely have changed my mind, but that was my first impression of her, and I liked her. But it wasn't until I have seen Lifeboat (which is a favorite of mine ever since), that I really wanted to find out more about the Lady with the funny name.

Doing a research on the internet - forget it. You get to read quotes which are said to be by her, but where they are from, nobody seems to know. No sources.. therefor not trustable. In the net you get the impression Tallulah Bankhead was just only a scandalous little actress, which had more lovers than anyone else, did some cartwheels without panties at parties, and that's about it. One dimensional. Pretty sad. Tallulah once said "There's less to this than meets the eye". She said that about a stage play, but somehow I have the impression that this quote fits to her own persona as well.

I don't say I do not believe stuff about her, I don't say I believe she was an angel, but I read 6 books about her (except for the one by David Bret, which I avoid for good reasons), and trust me, in the end, she was not as scandalous as some "fans" and writers want to make her out. She was a fun and caring person. Really very likable and friendly. Acting meant a lot to her. Yes, she drank. Yes, she smoked. And holy smoke, yes, she had lovers of both sexes, but for sure less than someone like Dietrich, for an example. Much less. She was someone who couldn't be alone. She couldn't fall asleep unless someone stayed with her - at least when older. She didn't like to be touched - now tell me how someone shall have so many lovers when someone doesn't like to be touched? Um, a bit difficult. She often had homosexual men as her secretaries/friends to keep her company.

Anyhow, just to come to an end, I just find it sad how some stories, and some quotes, which are not even sure to be true, have literally distorted this woman's image today. Sure, she did a lot to seem scandalous, but Tallulah was a talented actress. She didn't have the best of luck with her movies, etc. Nevertheless, she was one of the finest people in Hollywood.

Well, any other fans? What do you think about her?

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 13th, 2011, 7:46 am
by JackFavell
I love Tallu! A great wit, mostly at her own expense, I think she gets a bum rap too, as an actress - I mean, who wouldn't want to have seen her originating the role of Sabina in The Skin of Our Teeth or as Regina Giddens?

I also think she was one of the great beauties:


Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 13th, 2011, 9:53 am
by Libertine
JackFavell wrote:I love Tallu! A great wit, mostly at her own expense, I think she gets a bum rap too, as an actress - I mean, who wouldn't want to have seen her originating the role of Sabina in The Skin of Our Teeth or as Regina Giddens?
Oh, yes, I would give a lot to see, or at least hear, a recording of her doing one of her great stage performances. There's also Private Lives. If you got to see it in the early years of her performing in it, it must have been great. In one of her TV appearances you got a bit of an idea how she must have been. Serious and good... no use of exaggerated movements or whatever just to get laughs and reactions in order to save a play.
JackFavell wrote: I also think she was one of the great beauties:

Yes, when she was young she was really beautiful.

By Dorothy Wilding in the 20s:
Image Image Image

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 13th, 2011, 1:53 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I love her in the Devil and The Deep. She didn't much like Hollywood at first did she? I haven't watched Lifeboat yet, I'm looking forward to that one. Did she leave many radio recordings? You might be able to download them at the archive.

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 13th, 2011, 2:08 pm
by JackFavell
Lifeboat is one of my favorite Hitchcock films. I'm always shocked when people don't like it, or say it's flawed. I think it's great, in fact. At the worst, it's extremely enjoyable.

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 13th, 2011, 2:55 pm
by Libertine
charliechaplinfan wrote:I love her in the Devil and The Deep. She didn't much like Hollywood at first did she? I haven't watched Lifeboat yet, I'm looking forward to that one. Did she leave many radio recordings? You might be able to download them at the archive.
Lifeboat is great. It's just set in that lifeboat for such a long time, and honestly, it's so interesting, well acted. I am no fan of Hitchcock usually, I like some of his movies, but this one is my favorite.

There are many of her Big Show's available on - fun! But seems some are lost. Mostly the second season (and there were only two). I've come across some other radio recordings, but not so many. Even though the Big Show's were scripted it's Tallulah pure, cause they caught her personality so well, her wit and humor. And who could play Tallulah better than Tallulah?
JackFavell wrote:Lifeboat is one of my favorite Hitchcock films. I'm always shocked when people don't like it, or say it's flawed. I think it's great, in fact. At the worst, it's extremely enjoyable.
I agree. If she had done more Lifeboats, and less The Cheats... who knows, who knows...

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 13th, 2011, 11:07 pm
by feaito
My fave Talloo films are "Faithless" (1932), a good Precoder with Bob Montgomery; of course the great "Lifeboat" (1944); "A Royal Scandal" (1945) in which she's fine as Catherine of Russia and "Die, Die My Darling!" as the loony mother-in-law of Stef Powers with that great comedienne Yootha Joyce, playing a mean character.

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 4:17 am
by Ann Harding
I haven't seen many Bankhead pictures besides Lifeboat, The Cheat and The Devil and The Deep. Recently, I read a hilarious story about her in Paul Henreid's memoirs. Tallulah had been invited to a party. She was sitting on a sofa, necking a young actor. Then, Lillian Gish entered the room, dressed impeccably in white, the very image of innocence (dixit Henreid). Tallulah noticed her and said: "Oh Lillian! So nice to see you! We are both a kind. I, with my face dropped and my vagina lifted, and you, your face lifted and your vagina dropped." Lillian giggled before leaving. Paul thought it was a great exit line from Tallulah. :mrgreen:

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 9:39 am
by Rita Hayworth
Tallulah Bankhead as Black Widow

In the late 1960's, I watched "Batman" with Adam West, Burt Ward, Alan Napier, and others; faithfully as a kid and many of my moviegoers friends always told me that there is no way that Tallulah Bankhead ever did a campy television show like Batman; let alone play a villainous criminal by the name of Black Widow.

After, this two part episode was concluded ... she died a year later on December 12th, 1968 ... this television appearance marked the last time she appeared either on television and/or film.

She was superb in this show and I remembered that she gotten many fan mails after that two-part show concluded & this made her very happy if I recall reading about in the various magazines back in late 1960's.

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 2:09 pm
by Libertine
Ann Harding wrote:I haven't seen many Bankhead pictures besides Lifeboat, The Cheat and The Devil and The Deep. Recently, I read a hilarious story about her in Paul Henreid's memoirs. Tallulah had been invited to a party. She was sitting on a sofa, necking a young actor. Then, Lillian Gish entered the room, dressed impeccably in white, the very image of innocence (dixit Henreid). Tallulah noticed her and said: "Oh Lillian! So nice to see you! We are both a kind. I, with my face dropped and my vagina lifted, and you, your face lifted and your vagina dropped." Lillian giggled before leaving. Paul thought it was a great exit line from Tallulah. :mrgreen:
First of all, off topic, but, how lucky you are to have Paul's autobiography! I really want to get it soon too. But so much to read, so little time.

However, funny anecdote! Pretty naughty, typical Tallulah. Like a child. Honestly, I am not joking. She wanted attention, she got it that way. I think she tried to compensate the feeling of being not her beloved fathers favorite child that way. She always wanted attention, and.. well she was a big kid.
kingme wrote:Tallulah Bankhead as Black Widow

She was superb in this show and I remembered that she gotten many fan mails after that two-part show concluded & this made her very happy if I recall reading about in the various magazines back in late 1960's.
Haha, she was fun.. she had the gift to make fun out of herself, to take herself not too serious.

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 2:51 pm
by feaito
Libertine, is your avatar from Wyler's "The Gay Deception" (1935)?

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 3:20 pm
by Libertine
feaito wrote:Libertine, is your avatar from Wyler's "The Gay Deception" (1935)?
Wow, yes it is! I am impressed how you recognized it!

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 10:01 pm
by feaito
Because Wyler is my favorite director and loved that early film of his with Prince Lederer maquerading as a Bellboy and small town girl Frances Dee pretending to be a well off girl...lovely romance. You have good taste.

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 17th, 2011, 3:25 pm
by Libertine
Thanks a lot. I love this movie. And I adore Francis. ;)

Re: Tallulah Bankhead

Posted: June 17th, 2011, 6:22 pm
by Vecchiolarry

Great pictures of Tallulah - 'looking devine, darling'!!!!

Have you ever seen the movie, "Main Street to Broadway" (1953?)??? In it Tallulah hams it up pretty good and is hilarious. I think by this time, she'd pretty much given up on the movies and decided to "go bizarre" as she stated in an interview for it on TV back then...

Agnes Moorehead was in it too - Professional Tourist would know about that...
