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Had Princess Vicky been Queen

Posted: October 30th, 2011, 4:21 am
It's just been announced that the first born, boy or girl, will succeed in becoming a British Monarch. That IMO is only fair, but I can't help but wonder how history would have changed if the rule hand been around 100 and odd yrs ago. The last time a girl was first born was Princess Vicky, the daughter of Queen Victoria. She married the future Prussian Emperor Fredrick 3rd and they had a son, William, who became the man who took his Country into The First World War. Sadly Vicky died in the same yr as her mother, so it would be likely her son would have been the heir to The British Crown

One could argue a future British Monarch inwouldn't have been allowed to marry the future leader of another Country, because the British Queen wouldn't have the time to manage her own affairs

Re: Had Princess Vicky been Queen

Posted: October 30th, 2011, 4:29 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Vicky wouldn't have been allowed to marry the heir to another throne but a more suitable match would have been found. Vicky herself is quite an intriguing character, beloved of her mother, hated by her son, liberal like her husband. It's probably a good job that she died before she could see her two countries at war with one another.

The change in the law of succession is long overdue and due in small part to the Queen who has proved to be a hardworking and true monarch, why shouldn't her great grandaughter inherit if she is the first born. It's a good step forward.

Re: Had Princess Vicky been Queen

Posted: October 30th, 2011, 4:57 pm
Vicky had wrote letters, suggesting she was aware of her son's ambition for war

Re: Had Princess Vicky been Queen

Posted: October 30th, 2011, 7:54 pm
by Vecchiolarry

Vicky wouldn't have had much of a reign, as she was terminally ill with cancer.
her mother died in January 1901 and Vicky in August, so she would have been Queen for 7 months, probably under a Regency....

It is unfortunate for Prussia that both Wilhelms were warmongers.
Wilhelm I should have been under his wife, Augusta's thumb - a very liberal woman and friend of Queen Victoria.
And, Wilhelm II under his mother's.
