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Roy Rogers saluted at Rose Parade

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 4:44 pm
by Lzcutter
Hey all you buckaroos!

Roy Rogers is being feted by the Rose Parade this Monday. Dusty Rogers (Roy, Jr) along with his band, Trigger, Bullet and some of Roy's grandchildren will all be on a western themed float honoring Roy's centennial.

So, get up early and catch the Rose Parade on Monday, Jan. 2nd. (No parade or Rose Bowl game on Jan. 1st this year because it is a Sunday and the charter for the Rose Committee specifies that no parade or game is held on the day of the Lord).

To tide you over till Monday: ... 2661.story

Re: Roy Rogers saluted at Rose Parade

Posted: December 31st, 2011, 10:51 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I can't wait!!!

Re: Roy Rogers saluted at Rose Parade

Posted: January 5th, 2012, 2:04 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Here's just about every famous cowpoke you could imagine at the Rose Parade
in the 60's with Roy and Dale....

"Happy Trails in Sunshine Valley" This isn't "Happy Trails to You" from the television theme, but another
lovely tune that doesn't receive as much attention.

Up Close and Personal with the 100th anniversary Float...

Maw, this one here is gah-ron-teed to make you cry....

The float and the song all at once...

Why does it mean so much to me? I wore my little red boots and sat in front of the stage to see Roy and Dale
and the Houston Fat Stock Show (Now Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo) when I was a wee little thing....
one of the happiest days of my first six years here on this earth....and for Christmas one year, instead of a little
Red Flyer wagon, Santa brought me a miniature Conestoga wagon like the one they had on 'THE ROY ROGERS SHOW!'
I made my own wagon train, like the show the big people watch, and went to California at least once a week. Funny, though how those provisions were always the same. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...I couldn't ever have my own iron skillet to fry bacon in, and Momma wouldn't ever teach me how to bake biscuits in a dutch kettle over a blazing fire...I mean, how my 'spected to get to Californiyay?