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The Long Good Friday

Posted: April 6th, 2012, 4:18 pm
by Western Guy
With apologies to Bob Hoskins.

Okay, I make the statement: Was there ever a better actor than Edward G. Robinson? Day off work, tuned into TCM . . . and Eddie rules. Just finished watching "The Last Gangster" and once more Eddie proves his mettle. From self-centered, despicable thug to those final tender moments with his son (okay, admittedly the kid and his affected speech pattern - and that beanie - are a bit much for any self-respecting racketeer to tolerate), Eddie runs the gamut, and always convincingly.

It has always been said that Edward G. Robinson was the least likely of movie stars, but for my money he could act any of his contemporaries right under the table. Proof: Watch how Eddie convincingly goes from loving Norwegian farmer and father to Margaret O'Brien to reverting to form within just a few short years as the vicious, sadistic, ultimately cowardly Johhny Rocco in "Key Largo".

My all-time favorite actor, and, as a personal aside, I'm honored to call Eddie's granddaughter Francesca a friend.

Re: The Long Good Friday

Posted: April 6th, 2012, 7:52 pm
by JackFavell
That's cool, WG! How wonderful that you know her and can share your love of her grandfather with her.

I have to say, I never meant to sit down and watch these Eddie G movies in a row today, but my husband, who is not a classic movie buff, called me in while one of the films was on in the background to ask me if Eddie ever made a bad movie, because every time he has seen him, he's been good. YAAAAY! I will make a classic film fan out of him yet. :D

So I was suddenly drawn into watching all the movies in a row, and would have kept watching all day had we not had plans to meet some friends. The Whole Town's Talking is one of my favorites anyway, with great directing by John Ford, and two perfect performances by Robinson as a gangster and his milquetoast lookalike.

For me, Robinson's appeal is that he can be stagey when it's needed, and just as subtle when dramatics should be held to a minimum. He's always perfectly believable either way. I find it very pleasurable to watch him do his little bits of business when the role calls for a little flair, and he can tear my heart out with a deeply felt performance.

Some of my favorites:

Double Indemnity
of course
Scarlet Street
Tales of Manhattan
Five Star FInal
The Sea Wolf
Brother Orchid
Our Vines Have Tender Grapes
The Cincinnati Kid
The Little Giant
Tiger Shark

I could add a host of other movies, but I'd be pretty much naming all of his films.

Re: The Long Good Friday

Posted: April 7th, 2012, 1:00 pm
by Western Guy
Eddie was never bad - even if some of his films were questionable. Francesca told me that even though she loves her granddad's movies, she does have a difficult time with his role as Dathan in "The Ten Commandments". Okay, admittedly the potential of Little Caesar does threaten to creep through, but IMO Eddie G. remains one of the most entertaining components of the picture. In fact, many moons back, at a theatrical revival of the movie, about 1972, every time the wonderful Eddie made an appearance onscreen, the audience reacted audibly, favorably. I told Francesca this, but she still can't accept her grandfather in the role.

Two quick ones about Eddie, courtesy his granddaughter: In later years Eddie made it a point to ALWAYS personally answer his fan mail. His fans meant a lot to him and he never wanted to disappoint a request for a photo or even advice regarding acting. Now that's CLASS.

Funny one. Eddie pretty much raised Francesca and was very protective of her. One day when he came to pick her up from high scool he noticed that she and her friends were smoking cigarettes out on the school grounds. As Francesca tells it, Eddie became incensed and rushed forward to bawl her out, which he did, imparting the dangers of smoking . . . all the while brandishing and puffing on his own omniprescent cigar.

Love that story. LOVE Eddie Robinson!

Re: The Long Good Friday

Posted: April 7th, 2012, 3:50 pm
by RedRiver
Was there ever a better actor than Edward G. Robinson?

Not many. He's superb in "Tender Grapes." Even better in "Indemnity." In the first, he prevents a loveable kid from committing cinematic larceny. In the second, the leads have some of the juiciest dialogue ever written. And you hardly notice them! Robinson is the one who commands our attention. KEY LARGO is his movie all the way. This is my favorite Robinson badguy. He eats scenery for breakfast. But what a meal it is!

the least likely of movie stars

Not handsome. Not tall. Not particularly charming. But unique. There was nobody else like Eddie G. In a pair of Fritz Lang classics, he's actually timid. SCARLET STREET and THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW. In the Damon Runyon based, LARCENY, INC, the man is hilarious. You think Woody Allen is funny in his "more or less" remake? You should see Big Ed!

We haven't even gotten to ALL MY SONS yet. An Arthur Miller play, with the self recriminating anguish we expect. Sensitively presented by you know who. HOUSE OF STRANGERS? Another patriarch with a troubling past. A role better played here than by Spencer Tracy in BROKEN LANCE. Not many actors compare favorably with Tracy. This one does.