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Re: Stanley Donen interview

Posted: April 19th, 2012, 8:35 pm
by CineMaven
Thanx for recapping the Donen interview, Brother Rat. I opted to see "VERTIGO" Friday nite. What made you pick "CHARADE" as opposed to seeing Rhonda Fleming interviewed? What criteria did you use to choose what you saw? Did you go for the film...or who was being interviewed?

Re: Stanley Donen interview

Posted: April 19th, 2012, 8:54 pm
by Lzcutter

Another great recap!!! MrC and I saw Stanley Donen the first year of the Festival and I think he is a great interview! Add me to the list of people who wouldn't go to Two for the Road because it's too sad.

Thank you!!

Re: Stanley Donen interview

Posted: April 20th, 2012, 7:47 am
by moira finnie
I loved the detailed description of why musicals seemed to go the way of the dinosaur just when Donen was making them so well. The astringent Two For the Road definitely fit the TCM theme of style and the movies this year since the clothes and manners of the period shown were so apt, but next time the director comes to the TCMFF I sure would like him to be introducing Indiscreet, Damned Yankees (where did this movie go?) or even the flawed but fascinating Once More with Feeling.

Thanks for posting your impressions, king.

Re: Stanley Donen interview

Posted: April 20th, 2012, 9:28 am
by JackFavell
I've been wondering about Damn Yankees myself. Love that movie!

Re: Stanley Donen interview

Posted: April 28th, 2012, 11:37 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Excellent recap of your "Donen" days, kingrat. I so truly enjoyed reading about Mr. Donen and Two For The Road.

I just finished reading the lastest Michael Caine book, and he doesn't mention ever being offered Two For The Road.

Add me to Lynn's party. I cried so much the first time, and every subsequent time I've seen it that I just couldn't make that choice over Cry Danger. I overheard Eddie Muller say it was the best print at the festival.

Loved what you said about the character motivations. Yes, Audrey must have been driven to it.

But those scenes when her child was little illluminated how callous he was. That's it.
He was so callous she had to find some other man while she looked so stunning. And name a scene when she didn't! :lol: