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Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 10:26 am
by Sue Sue Applegate

I can remember watching Tarzan and the Amazons with great anticipation. Maybe it was that I was only 11 and kept hearing the word Amazon crop up in conversations having to do with my height. Maybe it was that I so enjoyed all the Tarzan movies, and Edgar Rice Burroughs stories and novels.

But I do remember being spellbound by Maria Ouspenskaya and waiting for her to pronounce that all would be spared. (I am watching her right now.) She looked so Egyptian in her frock and headdress, but ultimately superior to all she surveyed. I can remember sitting in front of the massive television set, wanted to wear leopard skins, carry a spear, and organize all those gold bracelets on my arms for dramatic effect.

And everytime Johnny Sheffield would be in trouble, it would make me tear up. He was so cute and adorable. How could anything evil befall such an unpretentious lad?
But the highlight of all this Saturday devotion occurred in 1962 when I met Johnny Weissmuller in New Orleans. He was elegantly decked out in his Jungle Jim attire, a leopard-skin accent on his wide-brimmed hat, and was shaking hands, visiting with children, and signing autographs. I remember him taking out the huge, shiny knife and telling us that even thought it was pretty and shiny, that we should never use a knife like this unless our parents were with us because it was so dangerous. He was kind to the children and adults who had come to pay homage to one of our favorite screen heroes, and he was smiling and laughing. That's how I will always remember him!

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 10:37 am
by JackFavell
What a wonderful story!

It all comes down to those bracelets, doesn't it? :D

Accessories make the world go round!

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 11:32 am
by moira finnie
Oh, I am so envious of you. Whether he was Tarzan or Jungle Jim, all kids loved Johnny Weismuller (who was also a great Olympian). Btw, I unearthed a long-lost picture of you:
Nice arm bracelets, Christy...though you look a little as though your diadem might be so tight that it is giving you a migraine.

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 11:33 am
by JackFavell
Yes, but she looks good!

and check out that belt!

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 11:38 am
by moira finnie
JackFavell wrote:Yes, but she looks good!
I thought that went without saying!?
JackFavell wrote:and check out that belt!
Vivien Leigh's 16" waist as Scarlett O'Hara looks tubby by comparison. What do you think the cuniform script on the belt spell out? Could it be "Hit the road, Jack"?

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 12:12 pm
by RedRiver
I adored this movie as a child! I loved them all, but this one is particularly exciting. I watched Jungle Jim a couple of times. No complaints. But there's nothing like Weismuller's Tarzan! A Saturday afternoon staple for me too. If Tarzan wasn't on, I was traumatized!

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 12:47 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Love that pic you found of me, Moira. I thought I had asked the pubicity department to nix that image because it was right before my wardrobe malfunction. :lol:

Even though I am not a Method actress per se, I am proud of how I was able to stay in character. And I am proud to share that I can shoot the bow and arrow so that it finds its target. Unfortunately, the photo does not reveal the lovely wrist bangles which bear the crest of our tribe...the top shelf of a kitchen cabinet filled with rarely used holiday items crossed by floating clouds surrounding the pinnacle of the San Jacinto Monument.

Ancient hieroglyphics reveal the waist cincher to divulge the family motto, In Vino Veritas Super Omnia....


Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 1:57 pm
by moira finnie
Glad you liked seeing yourself at this stage of your illustrious career in film, Christy.

CITY LIFE, bad! JUNGLE, good!

It's TARZAN'S NEW YORK ADVENTURE (1942) coming up next on TCM. I loved this movie when I was a kid. Tarzan say:

"This movie have everything:

Silver bird fly from far off. Animal friends no like white hunters. Boy foolish, make friends with one man bad, one man funny, third man fly. Boy get in trouble with lion. Cheetah save. Boy gone in silver bird. Cranky Jane, worried Boy kidnapped. Jane and Tarzan follow to man-built canyon by the ocean. Dress in scratchy loin clothes worn there. Talk to chiefs about thing called LAW. Tarzan, Jane, no have proof of parentage. No good for finding Boy in canyon. Cheetah major pain in the loin cloth in Canyon world. Tarzan find Boy, fix wagon of bad bwanas, climb on vine-covered bridge called Brooklyn! Tarzan, glad to leave. Jane cranky. AGAIN. Boy still foolish. Cheetah still fun-loving pain. All together. Go home, jungle. NOW!"

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 2:36 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
"It's a 200 foot dive from there! Nobody can make that dive and live!"


Nobody but TARZAN!

Watch Tarzan make wave! Wave so big he land at Teotihuacan at Temple of Sun and Moon!

Then watch Jane be grateful!


Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 2:52 pm
by moira finnie
Me glad Jane happy. For once. Oh, Tarzan's Secret Treasure is starting and Jane gave a very lady-like, soprano yell as she and Tarz swung along on vines. It was so sweet. The plot seems to center on TWO kidnappings this time.

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 2:55 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Yes! It was almost a coloratura! :D

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 3:20 pm
by moira finnie
Love that poster!

"Guns bad."
"Whiskey bad."
Say, how did Barry Fitzgerald wind up in the jungle comparing Tarzan to Finn McCool? Holy cats, I have to start paying attention to the credits. It's the gun-totin' Philip Dorn and Tom Conway crowding the jungle with their white man superiority, led by Mr. Ubiquitous, Reginald Owen.

What the he--Imageit's Johnny Eck, the feisty little guy from Freaks, in a bird suit.
"That's what happens when you drink"

I like Tumbo, played by Cordell Hickman. I wonder what he did after the movie roles were no longer rolling in?

Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 5:40 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Tumbo! Is that not an adorable moniker?

Love how Tarzan just vaulted into the hut with nothing but a bamboo pole! And now the eblephants are wreaking havoc. And here comes Boy on a little baby elephant, and he's barefoot and looking so determinedly cute and pixieish.

Up next is Tarzan: Silver Screen King and then......


Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 9:02 pm
by mongoII
Spent a great day with Tarzan (with peeks at the Olympics). My favorite remains "Tarzan and the Leopard Woman". Seems it was one of the first ones I saw as a child. Of course I do enjoy them all with Johnny Weissmuller, the best Tarzan of all.


Re: Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan, and Jungle Jim!

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 9:10 pm
by Lzcutter
I caught most of the Tarzans when TCM had them on Saturday mornings a few months ago. I really like the Weismuller ones, especially the first two, the New York Adventure and the Leopard Woman are among my faves.

Like Moira, I was a big Johnny Sheffield fan when I was younger.

But, now my heart belongs to Buddy, Buck Rogers' (Buster Crabbe as Buck) young sidekick. He did a great deal of the heavy lifting for Buck and Wilma and rarely got any credit for it (though he did usually get a pat on the head). Unlike Boy, Buddy wasn't quite so easily led astray by whatever new bright, shiny object that would catch his eye.

To bring this back to Tarzan, I wish I had DVR'd the documentary, especially in light of Steve Bingen's recent visit.