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Happy Birthday, Elaine Stewart

Posted: May 31st, 2007, 10:20 am
by Vecchiolarry
Hi Everyone,

Happy Birthday to Elaine Stewart.

I phoned her this morning - "too early", I was told... - and they're having a nice birthday dinner for her tonight.
She's 78 and now has short grey hair. She says nobody recognizes her as she doesn't look like she did in her starry days.
All her friends from those days are now dead except poor Zsa Zsa, who's beddridden.
She's all I have left in LA now, except my stupid relatives, whom I never see if possible.

She wants me to come for her 80th birthday; so I promised if we're both alive and upright, I'd be there.......

So, everyone wish Elaine a good day!!


Posted: May 31st, 2007, 11:06 am
by jdb1
Larry, there's a very nice little entry for her at Brian's Drive-In Theater, with great photos and a bio. (Really? Elsy Steinberg? My, how naming trends have changed.) Loved her in The Tattered Dress with Jeff Chandler (she was a blond in that one, I think).

I remember her best from a silly epic of the early 50s, "The Adventures of Hadji Baba," with John Derek. I was just a little girl when I saw it, and it's stayed with me all these long years. Ms. Stewart was gorgeous in the movie. I think she was a princess, and you know how little girls love princesses. (Nat King Cole sang the theme song, which I still remember.)

All the best to her.

Posted: May 31st, 2007, 11:41 am
by Vecchiolarry

Thanks for the headsup on that site.

Yes, I've seen the Haji Baba movietoo and it's fun....

Her best line though came in "The Bad and the Beautiful" on that staircase, when she purrs to Lana Turner: "Saw your movie tonight and thought you were swell!!".....
Everafter, I've always said to her, "You're looking swell" or "You're doing swell" or "That dinner was just swell" (she's a good cook)...
She always smacks me in the back of the head when I do..

When her kids were little, she took them and me to see "Young Bess" where she plays Anne Boleyn and of course she's beheaded...
She kidded them for a long time that she always took her head off at night and they couldn't come into her bedroom in the morning before she skrewed it back on!!!! She has a great but perverted sense of humour....

I just love her.
