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Vegas - T.V.

Posted: October 2nd, 2012, 12:55 am
by mrsl
I've only seen the pilot episode, which I liked a whole lot. Both Dennis Quaid and Michael Chiklis seem like they will be quite exciting in their roles as sheriff and casino owner/mob leader. The second episode is on tonight and it is certainly in a great spot - following NCIS and NCIS L.A. probably the best hour on network T.V. Dennis is a retired marine requested by the Mayor to come in and lead the Sheriff's force after the present one is killed. This is placed in the 60's in the time before criminals had so many civil rights. I've only seen the trailer for tonight's show as yet, but I love how Dennis knees a guy with his rifle and as the guy trips to the ground, Dennis says something like, 'I advise you to stay down fella'. Maybe that's why I like the old westerns so much. I like seeing a criminal being treated like a criminal instead of like a guest of the state with the cop making sure he receives his Miranda phrase, his head is protected getting in a car, and all the other things that cops have to do these days, especially when they literally catch a guy breaking the law. But then, this is most likely just another example of me staying behind while the rest of the world passes me by. I'm sure it will take a few more weeks to know if this is really going to be a good show or not, but I hope it is, because as I've said before, I like Dennis Quaid a lot, and Chiklis is also an odd sort of bad guy, because he looks so sweet and cuddly bear-like.

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 5:23 pm
by Lzcutter
I've got reviews of the premiere episode and this week's episode up on my blog-

I like the idea behind the show but I'm not a big fan of the way they are executing that idea.

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: October 6th, 2012, 6:43 pm
by Rita Hayworth
Lzcutter wrote: I like the idea behind the show but I'm not a big fan of the way they are executing that idea.
Same here, Lzcutter ... my thoughts exactly.

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: October 11th, 2012, 11:08 pm
by mrsl
lz cutter: What do you mean about how they are executing the idea? I do know that after Las Vegas had caught on as a vacation destination, and more casino/resorts were built, the Mayor was the one who literally cleaned up the streets and moved the 'working girls' away from the strip, but I don't know if anyone fought the mob as they tried to take hold. Is that what you mean? Was it not the sheriff? Was it another branch of police? I was always under the impression that the mob came in along with Bugsy Siegle, and stayed in control until big business took over in the late 60's. I read the Las Vegas beginnings so long ago (when you first started the site), that I barely recall many of the facts now. I can go back and re-read, but a short synopsis would stick in my muddled brain better than printed paragraphs.


Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: November 28th, 2012, 2:49 am
by Lzcutter
I've got new reviews of the latest episode of Vegas and all of the past reviews as well:

Let me know what you think!!!

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: December 13th, 2012, 12:13 am
by Lzcutter
I've got a review/recap of this week's episode of Vegas- Masquerade- up on my blog:

Let me know what you think!

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 9:26 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I haven't had a chance to check out your latest entry, but the others have been so entertaining. I loved reading your comments and explanations, and how the "fictional" version relates to the facts you know.

If someone hasn't read it yet, they need to!

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: February 6th, 2013, 3:40 pm
by mrsl
I kept hanging on and watching this show because of the fact that I like both lead actors so much, but for a few weeks there, I was afraid I would soon be giving up on it but . . . it's now starting to get a little more exciting with this murder of Mia's father and the cover-up resulting from it. It offers so many questions that will eventually have to be answered such as: Will Savino hold this over Jack when troubles occur in his casino, and will Ralph be able to clear Jack when/if the cover up is finally ended and most important, will Mia be able to forgive Jack? As to the last question, how could Jack sleep with Mia the day after being tortured as he was before the shooting?


Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: February 6th, 2013, 10:13 pm
by Lzcutter

I'm not sure that the show can fix this problem. Jack Lamb is no Jethro Gibbs and we had a few seasons learning what tragic event had happened to Gibbs to make him the man/leader he became, a man so consumed by his grief that he did the unthinkable. NCIS has done a good job of selling Gibbs story even when it borders on the extreme. But because they spent the time to build the back story, we believe it and are even moved by it.

We have had less than a season to get to know Jack Lamb and now he has not only broken the law (with the FBI) but tried to cover up on a bigger scale than just locally. I would rather see the show be about the conflict between good (the law) and Savino and his gang than a conflict between Ralph and Jack. Once he finds out, how does Ralph keep Jack in his job after what he did. Saying he killed Rizzo in self-defense doesn't negate the cover-up.

It's a problem that feels like the writers went for the low hanging, easy solution because they have no compelling story to tell and have decided outlandish, mediocre story telling is better than striving for better.

I wrote about it more in depth here:

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 1:27 am
by mrsl

The reason you and Moira write such great posts on this site is because both of you are such fantastic writers. Of course your blog describes all the things that have gone wrong on the show and now I understand what you meant about the execution on the show. I wasn't aware of any type of pre-premier announcement of how the show was to be a showdown between right and wrong, thus your disappointment over the direction it was going after all. I'm forced to agree with you with no exceptions. And of course your photo of the real Fremont street is also 100% correct. I recall it looking like that on my very first visit and by the next visit, all was changed including the facade of the Golden Nugget, it was about 8 years. Of course I've been gone now for 13 years and I can't imagine what changes have been made since then, I probably wouldn't recognize the Strip. Anyway, turning Jack into a seeming coward is a dumb move. Mia may be his ideal gal, and she would have a hard time acclimating to the fact that he shot her Father, but seeing him all burned, knowing his sense of honor, and if she really cares for him should finally overcome her original feelings of hatred. The only sensible thing I can imagine is that he wants out of the show, so they plan to either have him disposed of by the mob (per Vincent), or send him off to prison - it has to go one or the other way eventually.

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: April 13th, 2013, 12:27 pm
by Lzcutter
Well, Vegas has moved to Friday nights as the lead in to Blue Bloods and about the only thing you can say about it is the new title sequence is nice.

The same problems that plagued the show (superficial writing despite a cast that is trying hard to give the show some depth, not much of a give a hoot factor) are still there.

The bad news for the show is despite a new title sequence that promotes gaming, showgirls and smoking, viewership has fallen even further.

Last night's numbers clocked in at 0.9 million viewers which is down from its 1.2 million viewers when it was on Tuesday nights.

Golden Boy in the show's old Tuesday night time slot is holding steady at 1.2 million viewers which means that cancellation could be in the future for Vegas.

With only three episodes left, the producers need to put it all on the line and double down on a bid for engaging story telling or Vegas is likely going away.

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: April 13th, 2013, 6:02 pm
by mrsl
Although I tried to like the show, I have to admit it didn't do all that much for me, but Golden Boy is not turning me on either and if the viewership is at 1.2 M, then I see that as just too lazy to check out other stations after the two NCIS shows are done. Golden Boy signals time to get ready for bed. On Vegas the younger guy, Franks son is just a little too loose and wild to be taken seriously as a cop, and I still can't see Jack being so taken with a gangster's daughter - she was a 'no go' from the beginning. I really have always like Dennis Quaid and wish he could get a really good series, and with Chicklis, I expected a lot more dramatic hour. But it is fun to see the old Vegas stuff.

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: April 14th, 2013, 1:26 pm
by Lzcutter
The one reason to watch Golden Boy is for the always marvelous Chi McBride. He is just terrific as the older partner. Actually, the acting is the reason to watch the show.

I do like the concept and the flash forward technique and how the hero becomes the NYC Police commissioner.

But, I do wish the writing was better. CBS is capable of shows with good writing and acting but I guess not every show can be Person of Interest, Elementary and The Good Wife.

But I do think Golden Boy stands a better chance of renewal than Vegas right now.

Speaking of Vegas, I have a recap of this week's episode (and last week's) on my blog:

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 12:42 pm
by Lzcutter
Well, as my favorite critic Tim Goodman likes to say, There is blood all over the floor!

Late yesterday afternoon the networks announced cancellation notices for a surprising number of series.

Some of the cancelled series include:

Smash, CSI:NY, Vegas, Golden Boy, Deception, Southland, Monday Mornings, Malibu Country, Body of Proof, Touch and a surprising number of comedies across all networks.

And these are still on the bubble:

Hannibal (NBC)

The Taste (ABC)

The Neighbors (ABC)

Re: Vegas - T.V.

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 12:43 pm
by Lzcutter
Well, as my favorite critic Tim Goodman likes to say, There is blood all over the floor!

Late yesterday afternoon the networks announced cancellation notices for a surprising number of series.

Some of the cancelled series include:

Smash, CSI:NY, Vegas, Golden Boy, Deception, Southland, Monday Mornings, Malibu Country, Body of Proof, Touch and a surprising number of comedies across all networks.

USA Network announced that this summer will be the final season of Burn Notice.

And these are still on the bubble:

Hannibal (NBC)

The Taste (ABC)

The Neighbors (ABC)