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Last thought on Christmas movies:

Posted: December 26th, 2012, 4:54 pm
by mrsl
On Christmas Eve I saw Come to the Stable again. This has long been a favorite holiday movie of mine. Loretta Young and Celeste Holme play off of each other beautifully, and with dear Elsa Lancaster pitty pattering around as only she can do, the movie gives a fine example of the true spirit, for those who celebrate the Chistian beliefs. I can buy presents and wrap them, sing carols, watch my copy of White Christmas etc., but . . . the Stable finally puts me in the proper mood for the holidays, especially Christmas. With the holiday being so bare now-a-days - only one son could make it here from California, and of course my one daughter, but my granddaughter went to her Daddy's, and my grandson is finishing up with marine boot camp, and of course my parents, sister, one daughter, and favorite aunt who had Christmas when I was little are all gone, and no little ones around any longer, we tend to sit around and reminisce a lot. Three people does not a party make! But still I keep my spirits up by decorating my apartment, trimming my tree and I love to just sit and look at the tree. I miss having little ones around to drive around and hear their oohhs, and aahhs, at the different houses decorations. After my little scare in November, I concluded that Life is Good, and it's time to stay happy!

Re: Last thought on Christmas movies:

Posted: December 26th, 2012, 5:25 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
That is lovely, Anne. Thanks for posting! I also enjoyed watching Come to the Stable again.

I think my favorite scenes are the scenes concerning the tennis match, the befuddlelment of the bishop against two irresistible forces, and any scene with Elsa Lancaster in it.

The purity of motive from Sister Scholastica and Sister Margaret is always an endearing quality in religious characters, and I feel Loretta Young and Celeste Holm were "perfect" casting.

Re: Last thought on Christmas movies:

Posted: December 27th, 2012, 1:31 pm
by RedRiver
You know, I have never seen this holiday movie. I would very much like to. I love Elsa Lanchester in everything. And speaking of Loretta, an area TV station ran six episodes of her cute anthology show on Christmas Eve. It was a sweet way to wind up the evening.