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Scott Brady

Posted: December 27th, 2012, 8:08 pm
by Western Guy
Just finished watching the recording I made last evening of THE MAVERICK QUEEN and thought this might be a good time to start a thread on one of the most talented yet underrated actors in Hollywood: Scott Brady. He made a remarkably brutal Sundance Kid in the picture (miles away from Redford's likeable characterization) and that got me to thinking about the varied characters he played throughout his career. Cops and heroes in films such as HE WALKED BY NIGHT, PORT OF NEW YORK, UNDERTOW, I WAS A SHOPLIFTER, among many other noir-tinged films. Romantic types in THE MODEL AND THE MARRIAGE BROKER, GENTLEMEN MARRY BRUNETTES. Even action heroes in costume features like YANKEE BUCCANEER. I particular enjoy Scott in his Westerns, where he can effective play scuzzy villains, as in THE MAVERICK QUEEN and KANSAS RAIDER, tough heroes as what he played in THE GAL WHO TOOK THE WEST and MOHAWK, and good/bad characters as in JOHNNY GUITAR.

Of course he did television, as a guest star on several top-rated programs or the lead in his own series SHOTGUN SLADE, and then his career took a pretty drastic slump, coinciding it seems with his added weight and thinning hair, appearing in schlock such as DESTINATION INNER SPACE, CASTLE OF EVIL and THE MIGHTY GORGA, while still managing to show up in higher-quality projects: THE CHINA SYNDROME, GREMLINS, and for TV: THE WINDS OF WAR.

Interesting, Scott turned down the role of Archie Bunker, although he did make a few guest appearances as Joe Foley, as well as showing up as Cindy Williams' roustabout dad on LAVERNE & SHIRLEY.

Although not as dramatic as brother Lawrence Tierney's career trajectory, there is a striking similarity: The high, followed by the low, followed by a semi-high. And while Scott played a recurring character on POLICE STORY, Larry did likewise on HILL STREET BLUES.

IMO a wonderfully enjoyable actor. Curious to get other members' feedback on Mr. Brady.

Re: Scott Brady

Posted: December 27th, 2012, 10:29 pm
by mongoII
Whenever Brooklynite Scott Brady's name comes up I think of him as the Dancin' Kid in "Johnny Guitar" which is perhaps his best role. Although I enjoyed some of the other films that you mentioned since he was a presence in them, perhaps not as big as his brother.
It's a shame that Brady died at the age of just 60.

Re: Scott Brady

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 10:12 am
by Vienna
Always liked Scott. Interesting to note he appeared on Broadway in a musical version of DESTRY. with Dolores Gray.

Re: Scott Brady

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 10:43 am
by charliechaplinfan
He's someone who's name I seem to know but reading the listing of the films above I don't think I've seen him in anything. So why I know his name I don't know but if he's worthy of a thread he's certainly worth investigating. I think I at least have Johnny Guitar around here somewhere.

Re: Scott Brady

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 11:40 am
by MissGoddess
i had no idea who he was since names are my bete noir, so i googled some pictures of scott brady:


i can definitely see the resemblance to his brother, here:



Re: Scott Brady

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 12:56 pm
by Western Guy
You know, in that second photo I see a resemblance to a tougher-looking Christopher George - maybe 'cause I just saw Chris as the hired gunman in EL DORADO, dressed in a similar costume with that similar crooked smile.

Thanks for posting those pix, MissGoddess. Gotta learn how to do that.

Can post links, though.

Re: Scott Brady

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 1:13 pm
by RedRiver
I know Brady mostly from TV westerns. Watched SHOTGUN SLADE as a VERY young child. I didn't know he and Tierney were brothers.

Re: Scott Brady

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 1:59 pm
by Western Guy
Funny thing about the Tierney brothers; hope I didn't mention it before, if I did, put it down to age or Christmas Confusion:

When I interviewed Mickey Knox, who knew both boys, he said Larry was a mean p**** but that Scott was a very nice man.

Margia Dean, on the other hand, who worked in a Western with Scott, said he was very crude and that she did not like him at all and at one point Clint Eastwood had to interce on her behalf during one of their on-set feuds, whereas she said Larry was a complete gentleman . . . but who happened to be an alcoholic.

There was a third Tierney brother, Edward. He played Larry's brother in the movie THE HOODLUM, which I understand is coming up on TCM next week. Very much a B - even a C - movie, but not uninteresting . . . and Larry is as vile as it gets. If you haven't seen it, check it out.