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The Emmy Award Show

Posted: September 23rd, 2013, 5:53 pm
by mrsl
I had a real quandary to overcome on Sunday night in deciding if I wanted to watch Foyles War, the Bears at Minnesota, or the Emmy show, and yet another show on PBS about the story behind the creation of Mount Rushmore. I ended up DVR'ing Foyle and Mount Rushmore and flipped back and forth between the game and the Emmy's. So I didn't see a whole lot of the winners, but what I did see was ALL cable shows. A few network shows might have won something while I was engrossed in Minnesota, but it couldn't have been much. I guess I should have checked out Breaking Bad but the one time I tuned in to it, whatever was going on turned me off so much that even with all the discussions about it on this board, I never had the inclination to watch it, but it certainly racked in plenty of awards last night - possibly because it's over now. I didn't even pay a whole lot of attention to the dresses and gowns because I was always anxious to get back to the game and especially during the 4th quarter when my Bears tried to give it away. When they do that I freak out all by myself here in my living room.

Re: The Emmy Award Show

Posted: September 24th, 2013, 10:06 am
by movieman1957
Maybe the biggest change in things of which I heard was Netflix's "House of Cards" won an Emmy. An online show. That may be a first.

I haven't seen this one but I can't imagine they could do better than the British production from the early 90's.