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The Big Knife (1955)

Posted: June 10th, 2007, 11:44 am
by Mr. Arkadin
Comes on this Tuesday as part of our Ida Lupino series. This dark play was written by Clifford Odets specifically for his friend John Garfield who played the role on the stage. As you watch the film you will note many resemblances between Charlie Castle and JG.

Castle is a movie star who is tired of Hollywood. His contract has expired and he is ready to leave and try to recconect with his wife as their marriage is on the rocks and she is being courted by his best friend. However studio exec. Stanley Hoff (a mindblowing performance by Rod Stieger) will not let Charlie go and will resort to any length to hold him as the film unfolds.

Jack Palance made some great films, but his portayal of Charlie Castle is in my opinion, the finest of his career. Although the film is a play and basically just uses one set there are lots of interesting shots. I feel part of the reason we mostly just see one set (especially with Charlie--he never leaves the house) is to add to the claustrophobic/trapped feeling of his character. This is truly a great film that should not be missed.

Posted: June 10th, 2007, 1:08 pm
by Dewey1960
Mr. Arkadin wrote: "This is truly a great film that should not be missed."

I couldn't agree more, Mr. A. Robert Aldrich directed many fine films in his career, but this and KISS ME DEADLY are unquestionably my two most favorites.
THE BIG KNIFE is also perhaps one of the most scathing portraits of Hollywood and its all consuming avarice. Both Palance and Steiger (as Mr. A intimated) deliver the performances of their respective careers. This film isn't nearly as well known as it should be; a bona fide classic!