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Diane Keaton;under the radar

Posted: November 15th, 2013, 12:45 pm
When thinking about all time great actresses, I always seem to over look Diane Keaton, but having seen one of her films Baby Boom recently and going by other films I've seen her in, I feel she should be put in the same bracket as the great actresses of both the classic and modern cinema.

I'm not sure Diane would have been as successful in the classical era as she is now, because actresses back then tended to be unfairly written off when they reached a certain age. Diane however, IMHO is an actress that's improved and gotten more atractive as she's matured. That's not to say Diane wasn't good when she was young in films like Play It Again Sam, Annie Hall, Looking For Mr. Goodbar and the first two of her three Godfather films. It's just I prefered the more mature Diane in films like Baby Boom, Father Of The Bride and it's sequal, Amelia Earhart The Final Flight, The Family Stone and The First Wives Club

I also think Diane looks great in glasses, which she wears often in films almost like a trademark. I've only mentioned a few of her films as they are the only ones I'v seen, but I can image she's got an even more impressive body of work out there.

I'm even thinking of her as America's answer to Helen Mirren, that's a great compliment to her.

Re: Diane Keaton;under the radar

Posted: November 15th, 2013, 1:24 pm
by RedRiver
She's so good in ANNIE HALL it's almost amazing. She turns the character inside out with quirks and nuance. And such lovely singing! She's always good with Woody. (She does the best Brando I've ever seen in SLEEPER.) Some of her work is less impressive. But when she's hot...

Re: Diane Keaton;under the radar

Posted: November 19th, 2013, 1:11 pm
by sandykaypax
I absolutely love Something's Gotta Give with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson. A really good romantic comedy with a wonderful soundtrack, too.

Sandy K