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Re: BBC celebrating 50th Anniversary

Posted: November 22nd, 2013, 6:57 am
by mrsl

I watch Masterpiece Theater as much as I can. My DVR is set up to record Masterpiece anytime, any day. I love everything it puts out from Downton Abbey to Miss Marple to Silk. Unfortunately the BBC that I have available shows nothing of those shows. If it did, I would be tuned to it everyday to see what is on. As I've said before, until TCM starts showing more and different movies, I'm still channel surfing.

Re: BBC celebrating 50th Anniversary

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 2:01 pm
by JackFavell
I don't get BBC America, Masha, but my sister is going to a big Doctor Who showing today, somewhere in L.A. I wonder if there are more of these big screenings across the country?

Also, GOOGLE has a wonderful game you can play today, where you select whichever Dr. Who you prefer, and then try to escape Daleks, etc. The Tardis takes you to each new level.

Re: BBC celebrating 50th Anniversary

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 2:33 pm
by Rita Hayworth
I like Masterpiece Theatre and I do watch BBC Programming now and then. :)

Re: BBC celebrating 50th Anniversary

Posted: November 25th, 2013, 5:09 pm
by JackFavell
I have seen Dr. Who, Masha, just haven't seen the show very recently. They have shown it on the SyFy network as well. I used to watch all the time when I was young, reruns of the older versions with William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, and John Pertwee. Tom Baker was the doctor I first watched and fell for, and then I was happy when Peter Davison took over from him, because I like celery. I have been very inconsistent in watching since then, but started up again when David Tennant became the Doctor. Quite recently it's been difficult to find the Doctor on Sy Fy. I think I might be able to stream episodes from BBC America's website.