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What is your "Crack TV" show?

Posted: April 15th, 2007, 9:41 pm
by pktrekgirl
Okay...this is the thread for 'guilty pleasures'. Shows that you know have no redeeming value whatever, but that you watch anyway because...well, for no reason other than that you can't get enough.

My most recent 'crack tv' show just went off the air: The O.C..

This show was crack tv at it's finest. 'Beautiful people' characters, all sorts of never-happen-in-real-life drama, backstabbing at it's finest.

In short...this is the sort of show that makes you glad you are not wealthy and live in a big 'ole house in Orange County. :lol:

What is your 'crack tv' show?

And yes...American Idol counts. :P

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 7:34 pm
by bobhopefan1940
Oh, no! I'm afraid I am guilty of American Idol fandom :oops: What about the medical spoof, House? I say "spoof" because it has some really ridiculous things on there... But my goodness, Hugh Laurie is so gorgeous I just have to watch.

I'm also guilty of such shows like Project Runway, WifeSwap, Super Nanny... The list goes on and on!

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 8:01 pm
by SSO Admins
Smallville. I've been managing to break my addiction to "America's Next Top Model" though.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 2:11 pm
by sugarpuss
It's terribly embarrassing to even admit this, but I'm horribly addicted to Flavor of Love and all its various spin off shows (Flavor of Love 2, I Love New York and now Charm School). I always feel like dousing myself in bleach and getting a penicillin shot after watching them.

I swear, after each episode, my IQ lowers by about 50 points. I'm in the negatives now. Pretty soon, I won't even know how to spell my own name.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 2:51 pm
by benwhowell
I used to tape "The Surreal Life." I don't know if it comes on anymore.
I still tape "The Real World" and "24" and feel pretty "guilty" watching them.
I'm looking forward to a new season of "Nip/Tuck."
I would also love to catch up on seasons 2 thru 5 of "Footballers Wives." :twisted:

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 4:17 pm
by mrsl
:oops: Ghost Whisperer :oops:

Lately I've been screaming at the TV for Melinda to tell Delia about her secret before poor Delia goes boffo. I like this one better than Medium because I just don't care for Arqiette. or the guy who plays her husband. The kids are cute, and I love the Police Inspector.

I miss my Stargate and Star Trek so much, that I check out anything that seems remotely like it might be pure escapism - anything that is the opposite of the horrible reality junk that's on so much now. American Idol is filled with the most idiotic fools I've ever seen grouped together in one show. And as far as I'm concerned Survivvor should have survived no more than two seasons at the most. I don't even want to get started on the Trump.


Posted: April 19th, 2007, 10:42 am
by Rusty

I don't know about shows I watch having no redeeming value, but I will tell you about some television things I would not admit watching to anybody...face to face.

Would you believe? Several years ago, I would rush home from work to catch that heroic and literate Jack Russell Terrier...Wishbone on PBS. My local PBS station would run the Wishbone series every weekday and I never missed an episode. That was about the same time I would catch about half of the morning, before I left for work.

After Wishbone disappeared from the daily schedule, I made do with Lou Dobbs on CNN. Note, I never watched Lou Dobbs for news...I watched Lou Dobbs for Lou.

I sort of got tired of Lou and discovered the hysterical business guy on CNBC...Jim Cramer starring in his show Mad Money. It did not take me long to discover Cramer was an obnoxious jerk, so I went back to good old Lou.

Oh, the morning, I will catch 60 seconds of Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) screaming into a cell phone and looking like he will have a cerebral infarction (stroke)...blood pressure 250 over 200. Jack's on the show 24...reruns on A&E.

That's about all. I only have 7 cable channels programmed, so I have never seen most of the television shows mentioned in this thread.


Posted: April 19th, 2007, 2:34 pm
by pktrekgirl
mrsl wrote: I miss my Stargate and Star Trek so much, that I check out anything that seems remotely like it might be pure escapism - anything that is the opposite of the horrible reality junk that's on so much now. American Idol is filled with the most idiotic fools I've ever seen grouped together in one show. And as far as I'm concerned Survivvor should have survived no more than two seasons at the most. I don't even want to get started on the Trump.
Anne, do you have the SciFi Channel or USA? Because actually, there are some decent scifi shows in production right now.

If you have the SciFi Channel and have not seen them yet, check out:

Stargate: Atlantis - obviously, the companion show to SG-1. They are just starting season 4, I believe. Plus, Joe Flanigan is way hot. :D Seasons 1 and 2 are on DVD as well.

Doctor Who - on break right now, but a really good show. Plus, David Tenant is just adorable. Season 1 and 2 on DVD.

Battlestar Galactica - Also on break now...but a very good show, especially if you like dark and gritty. They have three seasons in the can many DVDs are also available.

The Dresden Files - WOW! What a show! If you liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer or The X-Files...this show is sort of a cross between them. I love this show!!! And Paul Blackthorne is exceedingly hot. :D This show just wrapped it's first season and I love it.

Harry Dresden (Paul Blackthorne) is a wizard...and is alot like Harry Potter. Only all grown up and in more adult situations.


The 4400. This show is three seasons in, I believe. It's been on break for a while, but should be coming back with season 4 pretty soon, I would think. Seasons 1 and 2 are on DVD.

I have also heard very good things about Heros...but I've not had time to watch it yet. I have a bunch of episodes backed up on TiVo...if I ever get around to them...

Posted: April 19th, 2007, 3:28 pm
by sandykaypax
My hubby loves The Dresden Files, too. He is a big sci-fi fan.

My crack tv shows are America's Next Top Model, and The Girls Next Door. Oh, I am so ashamed that I watch The Girls Next Door! :oops: I can't help myself. It is sooo deliciously bad. I'm not ashamed about watching Top Model, though! I really like Tyra Banks and Twiggy.

Sandy K

Posted: April 19th, 2007, 3:45 pm
by pktrekgirl
sandykaypax wrote:My hubby loves The Dresden Files, too. He is a big sci-fi fan.
Imagine my surprise. :lol:

I think I would like your husband. I think I'd like him alot!

Posted: April 19th, 2007, 5:59 pm
by JulieMarch4th
Pktrekgirl -- I like Dresden, too. (I've even read the first two of the series- and I like the show better.) And I have not seen ANY of the new Dr. Who's, but I've had many a late Saturday night watching classic Who on PBS (Maryland PBS!)


TCM Fashions

Posted: April 22nd, 2007, 1:03 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
Other than TCM, I barely watch TV. I'll check in with the news; occassionally David Letterman and The Daily Show. Hot Topics on The View sometimes helps me to wake up... That said, Project Runway always has me hooked. It's the only show that I watch consistently and make a point to see. I wonder when the new season begins?

Posted: April 23rd, 2007, 12:01 pm
by jdb1
I'll admit it - me, the feminist child of the 60s is heavily into "Top Model." However, I don't think I'd like anything like it quite as much without Tyra at the helm - I don't look in on any other such program, including "American Idol," which I find embarrassing to watch.

In last week's installment Tyra yelled at, and told off, one of the contestants, who was whining about how underprivileged and picked-upon she was. The fact was this contestant was obnoxious, ill-mannered, self-centered and willfully ignorant (in the unschooled sense), and was obviously feeling threatened by the other, better-qualified young women. Tyra told her she had no monopoly on hard times, admonished her to stop bitching, and advised her to get her act together. Then she threw the girl off the show. Well done, I say.

The one program I cannot do without is the BBC program (or perhaps programmme, since it's British) EastEnders, and I've been watching it loyally for the last 15 or so years it's been on TV in the NYC area. It's sterling example of what a serial drama should be, and it's the actors who make it what it is. They are terrific.

Posted: April 23rd, 2007, 12:36 pm
by vallo
"24" I watch each week. 24 shows in a row keeps my interest.

"Lost" I know ABC kind of messed this show up with showing 6 episodes in Sept. and off until Feb.(Winter Break-Please) Losing alot of viewers. Also they moved it to 10pm so they wouldn't lose out on viewership to American Idol
But LOST is still a good show.