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The Simpsons Movie............... thoughts?

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 12:19 pm
by bradtexasranger
I posted this on the TCM board as well. Just would like to read some of your thoughts on this. Is everyone else looking forward to this? There sure has been a lot of build up! :)

Jessica and OJ?

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 1:12 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
I've seen loads of movies in the past weeks, so have seen the trailers for this one; but I'm not sure if I'll see the actual movie. But then I've never seen the TV show. I think I might be the only American who's not seen this show? Oh wait, didn't they used to have shorts on the Tracy Ullmann Show? I caught those, and enjoyed them. The movie? Maybe, but I wonder if I'll be lost without the background of the television show?

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 1:29 pm
by ken123
Sorry Moraldo,
I too have never seen " The Simpsons " TV Show also, and, being the snob that I am, feel that I am ( even ) a better person for NOT having seen it. :wink:

Re: Jessica and OJ?

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 1:36 pm
by patful
Moraldo Rubini wrote:I think I might be the only American who's not seen this show?
No sir, I too have never seen "The Simpsons". I've watched a lot of "King of the Hill", but always changed the channel before their time slot. Can't seem to get italics to work here. What's the deal?

Bart - MIA

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 2:10 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
Wow, we can start a club! But unlike Pat, I suspect I might have been missing something. After all, this prime time cartoon has lasted longer than any other. People whose opinion I respect, hail the show as clever and well-written. I've been intrigued, but who has time? I don't even know when it's on...

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 2:48 pm
by mrsl
I'm eligible for your club too, guys! I've never sat down and watched a show, but have seen clips, and bits. The main reason I never gave it any time was Bart's mouth. It seemed like he was always either backtalking, or making fun of his father. From the looks of the father, I assume he's prime for being made fun of, but can't condone the behavior for kids to watch. Kids have bad enough attitudes as it is today, and I have a pretty good guess where a lot of it comes from, considering most pre-teens and teens love the show!

I realize a lot of my dislike for certain things is not so much dislike of the material, but the inability to laugh at an off color joke, or mis-use of certain words in front of younger people. A thing may strike me as funny, but because it is against my ideas of decency, I don't feel right in projecting that sense of humor to my kids, or now my grandkids. Late on Friday nights, I sit and roar at my TV watching Jon Stewart, and Bill Maher, and I use those nights to watch the various comedians on HBO, etc. But when my grandkids are around, I feel I should curb that laughter because they're too young to understand and laugh at certain subject matter, in my minds eye. (Not that I watch stand-ups when the kids are around, I mean other instances).

In the 50's and 60's, a Lady did not laugh at a dirty joke in mixed company without at the very least blushing, if she even listened to the joke. On the other hand, a Gentleman would never tell a dirty joke in front of a lady. It's that little squirm of embarrassment you feel, or should feel, on both sides. That sense of decency doesn't seem to be taught any longer.

I guess I'm just stuck in that old time warp, but on the other hand, I don't believe honor and decency are things that should ever be held up to ridicule or dissed as they are so much today.


Re: Jessica and OJ?

Posted: July 29th, 2007, 1:31 pm
by bradtexasranger
The movie? Maybe, but I wonder if I'll be lost without the background of the television show?[/quote]

That would be a good question I'd like to see the answer to from someone who's seen the movie. I'm just in shock that there's this many who've never seen an episode :shock: I can't even imagine :o

Posted: July 31st, 2007, 3:52 pm
by cinemalover
There are very few movies that I feel moved to go see in theatres, and The Simpsons Movie wouldn't change my mind on that. However, I do enjoy the show and find that being able to watch the early seasons at my leisure on DVD is ideal. They lampoon our society better than any other show on television and to keep that up for 18 years in the current television landscape is even more amazing. I will wait to see it on DVD, but I will definitely want to see it and am sure that I'll enjoy it.

Posted: August 3rd, 2007, 3:41 pm
by bradtexasranger
I'm torn about seeing this in the theater. On one hand, I can't wait to see it, but come to think of it, maybe it wouldn't be worthwhile to, considering it might be hard to catch all of it with the laughter from the other folks. So i'm still debating with myself.

Posted: August 4th, 2007, 10:31 pm
by vallo
I haven't seen the film yet. But, I have been watching them since the first time I saw them, "as shorts" on the Tracey Ullman Show in the late 80's


Posted: August 11th, 2007, 11:11 am
by cmvgor
The Simpsons Movie is a hoot-diddley! The ploy by which Homer
regained Bart's loyalty after the boy decided that he wanted StupidFlanders to be his dad was LOL!! For any Simpsons fans -- wait for the rental DVD if you must, but it is worth your time.

Posted: August 12th, 2007, 2:49 pm
by bradtexasranger
cmvgor wrote:The Simpsons Movie is a hoot-diddley! The ploy by which Homer
regained Bart's loyalty after the boy decided that he wanted StupidFlanders to be his dad was LOL!! For any Simpsons fans -- wait for the rental DVD if you must, but it is worth your time.
Thanks for the review. Is that plot from the movie though, it sounds like one of the TV episodes.

Posted: August 12th, 2007, 3:26 pm
by cmvgor
bradtexasranger wrote:
cmvgor wrote:The Simpsons Movie is a hoot-diddley! The ploy by which Homer
regained Bart's loyalty after the boy decided that he wanted StupidFlanders to be his dad was LOL!! For any Simpsons fans -- wait for the rental DVD if you must, but it is worth your time.
Thanks for the review. Is that plot from the movie though, it sounds like one of the TV episodes.
I did not mean to be misleading. I mentioned only one of many strands
and subplots. Some of them not all that familiar. Again, I found it amusing and worth my time. I believe others will also.

Posted: August 12th, 2007, 5:34 pm
by bradtexasranger
No problem. I'm definitely going to make an effort to see it in the theater one of these weekends.