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Posted: August 13th, 2007, 2:41 pm
by pktrekgirl
Okay. So I LOVE this show.

Part scifi, part sit-com, part ode to nerds, this show is just alot of fun.

I know there are not a ton of scifi fans on this board...but really - this is the scifi show for people who don't like scifi shows, about a regular guy who finds himself sheriff of a town full of brilliant scientists whose 'experiments' often go astray - with sometimes disastrous and sometimes hilarious results. Even his house is in on the act - an old underground bunker converted into a house run by an artificially intelligent (and rather entertaining) computer called SARAH.

One of the more original shows I've seen come on in recent years.

Does anyone else out there watch this show?

Here is a clip from the website:
As World War II came to a close with mushroom clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the impact that science and technology would have on the continued security of our world became catastrophically apparent. America nearly lost the race to build the atomic bomb; it could not risk such a close call again.

With the help of Albert Einstein and other trusted advisors, President Harry S. Truman commissioned a top-secret residential development in a remote area of the Pacific Northwest, one that would serve to protect and nurture America's most valuable intellectual resources. There our nation's greatest thinkers, the über-geniuses working on the next era of scientific achievement, would be able to live and work in a supportive environment.

The best architects and planners were commissioned to design a welcoming place for these superlative geniuses to reside, an area that would offer the best education for their children, the best healthcare, the best amenities and quality of life. A community was created to rival the most idyllic of America's small towns — with one major difference: this town would never appear on any maps. At least, none that haven't been classified "eyes only" by the Pentagon.

Thus, the town of Eureka was born. But for all its familiar, small-town trappings, things in this secret hamlet are anything but ordinary. The stereotype of the absent-minded professor exists for a reason, and most of the quantum leaps in science and technology during the past 50 years were produced by Eureka's elite researchers. Unfortunately, scientific exploration is rarely what one expects, and years of experiments gone awry have yielded some peculiar by-products.

From unrequited love to professional jealousy, from addiction to depression, the problems of Eureka's townsfolk stem from life's myriad of everyday challenges. But with the population's unique talents, troubled psyches and limitless resources, these small-town concerns have a way of becoming big-time problems. It is at that intersection, where human frailty and super-science collide, that Eureka begins….

Posted: August 18th, 2007, 12:12 am
by mrsl
I just saw an ad for it the other day and I wanted to watch, but I don't want to get hung up on another show that either is cancelled and just filling out the summer, or something that is only on for the summer.

When, exactly is it on, and what channel? I love sci-fi and I'm always looking for more, and more.


Posted: August 20th, 2007, 1:08 pm
by pktrekgirl
Hi Anne!

Well first, the Scifi Channel doesn't work like network TV. They don't really have just *one* 'season'. They air new episodes of shows all year round, and each show has it's own hiatus schedule. Some have their hiatus in summer, and others in winter. So, for example, right now Battlestar Galactica is on haitus until 2008. :shock: Stargate Atlantis will be coming back in the fall. Doctor Who just came back from hiatus about 6 weeks ago and is mid-series three. They are trying out Flash Gordon during this summer's rotation...but I don't think it is going that well, so we'll see.

Eureka is in it's second season right now. It started last summer and ran into last fall. And it started again about 6 weeks ago and will run into the fall again. It is not a show that they are 'trying out'. They are in season 2. However, their season starts in summer so it might look like a 'try out' show. ;)

Anyway, it is on the Scifi Channel on Tuesday nights. I can't remember what time as TiVo records it for me as a season pass and so I don't pay attention. But I think it's on around 8 or 9 pm. The time is probably listed at the Scifi Channel website, so you can follow the link I posted above.

And by the way, season 1 of the DVDs are out as well, in case you like what you see.

Posted: August 22nd, 2007, 2:38 pm
by jdb1
I started watching "Eureka" a few weeks ago, and I must say I do enjoy it. It's like a kinder, gentler "Buffy" and "X-Files" mixed with the Nickelodeon series of a few years ago "The Secret World of Alex Mack." Craig Ferguson (oops, no - I meant Colin Ferguson) is very nice as the stalwart but bemused sheriff of Eureka, and the wonderful Joe Morgan is just right as the senior member of the cast who knows a lot more about the secrets of Eureka than he's telling. A good mix of fantasy and humor.

"Eureka" is like light summer reading. No profound revelations, but an ejoyable way to spend an hour.

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 1:15 am
by pktrekgirl
^ Yes! You hit the nail right on the head! Nothing profound - just alot of fun. And I agree with you about Colin Ferguson and Joe Morgan. Perfectly cast.

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 8:23 am
by jdb1
pktrekgirl wrote:^ Yes! You hit the nail right on the head! Nothing profound - just alot of fun. And I agree with you about Colin Ferguson and Joe Morgan. Perfectly cast.
But of course I meant Joe Morton, the Brother from Outer Space, not Joe Morgan, the Toy Canon. Yesterday was one of those days.

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 12:50 pm
by pktrekgirl
^ Tee hee. I never even noticed.

But I knew who you were talking about. ;)

It doesn't get any better than a tow truck driver with multiple PhDs. :lol: What a great character!

Posted: September 26th, 2007, 3:19 am
by mrsl

I just wondered if you saw the Eureka episode tonight that guest starred my buddy from Stargate sg-1 Michael Shanks? At least I assume he guest starred because, I keep losing the show and happened on it by accident while channel surfing, so I didn't see the opening credits.

When is it on normally? I know there is only one episode left for this season, but hopefully, if it returns, I can catch it more often in reruns. The Sci-fi channel re-runs a lot, so I'm pretty sure I can catch quite a bit of it sooner or later, I really like it too, the few times I've been able to see it.


Posted: September 26th, 2007, 3:53 pm
by jdb1
Here in NYC it's on Tuesdays - a re-run of the past week's episode at 8, and a new one at 9.

I didn't watch this show from the beginning - what's the story with this woman prisoner who was signed over from Guantanamo, and with Henry, and who is "Kim?" Was she Henry's wife or girlfriend? And what's this artifact? The whole thing is now tipping over into X Files country, with elements such as the unwittingly powerful child who holds the key to the universe, etc., and I never could figure out X Files, so I feel a bit lost.

Anyway, I do enjoy the show and the excellent actors - Colin Ferguson is as wry and laid back as the rest of the citizens are tense and focused. He alone is worth an hour of my time.

Posted: October 12th, 2007, 9:52 pm
by pktrekgirl
^ I agree about Colin Ferguson. I think the contrast between this 'normal guy' and everyone else is what makes the show so great!

And yes, Anne - Michael Shanks was a guest star in the second-to-last episode of the season, IIRC. He played an artist...with a bit of a secret.

Not sure if he'll be back though - it seemed sorta like a one-off.

But fingers crossed!

Posted: October 13th, 2007, 12:03 pm
by mrsl
Thanks but darn it. I'm looking for Michael to find a home somewhere. I really came to admire him the last couple of seasons of SG-1. Maybe he finally seemed to grow up but I miss him almost as much as RDA who I still wish would come back somewhere once in a while. :cry:


Posted: October 15th, 2007, 11:49 pm
by pktrekgirl
^ Well, I think you probably have a better chance of seeing Michael Shanks than you do of seeing RDA.

RDA is likely so wealthy that he never has to work again - between what he pulled down for all of those seasons of what he pulled down for MacGuyver, I think he is likely set for life.

I think Michael Shanks is likely much more interested in actively looking for work. It wouldn't surprise me if he made a few guest appearances on Atlantis....they have Amanda Tapping on there now, so it wouldn't surprise me if we saw Michael Shanks occasionally.

But as for other stuff...he will likely land on SOME scifi show as he's still hot in the scifi community. But where and when is anyone's guess.

Posted: October 16th, 2007, 11:51 am
by mrsl
I understood RDA quit active acting because it is so time consuming, and after his wife died, he wanted to spend the time with his little girl more, so he went behind the camera for a year or two, although I'm sure he probably does have a nice little nest feathered away. I must say, if there was any chance at all, that's one guy I'd spend every last dime getting back in shape for, the older he gets, the better!!!


Posted: October 16th, 2007, 3:39 pm
by pktrekgirl
^ must be more up-to-speed in RDA than I am, Anne.

I thought he was never married. I do know that he dated a woman called Apryl Prose for some years and they had a daughter together...but I was not aware that he was ever married...or that his wife had passed away. How terrible. :(

I really do love him though. He was fabulous on that show, and I do hope he continues to make some guest appearances on Atlantis.

I can't you watch Atlantis?

Posted: July 17th, 2008, 9:03 am
by jdb1

Eureka! is coming back at last.

If you haven't yet checked out this smart, funny and interesting fantasy show about the smartest town in America (even though it's made in Canada), I recommend it. They always keep it light, but the scripts are clever and the acting is first-rate.

The new season starts on July 29 on SciFi.