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Posted: August 17th, 2007, 1:08 pm
by benwhowell
Has anbody heard anything from Lynn-concerning her dad? And what about Chris (SueSue)? She lives in Houston. There's been flooding there from the hurricane activity on the Texas coast.

Posted: August 17th, 2007, 3:20 pm
by movieman1957
I haven't heard anything from Lynn but she did post something on TCM yesterday (I think) but there was no mention of anything personal.

"SueSue" posted on TCM recently but nothing after 8/15.

Like you, Ben, I'm hoping all is well.

Posted: August 17th, 2007, 3:24 pm
by movieman1957
Does anyone know what happened to Hollis?

Posted: August 17th, 2007, 3:50 pm
by pktrekgirl
I saw Sue Sue on the board in the past couple of days - maybe she didn't post, but I saw her in the who's online section.

I got a PM from Hollis this morning, but haven't had a chance to return his message yet.

Re: 411

Posted: August 17th, 2007, 4:26 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
benwhowell wrote:Has anbody heard anything from Lynn-concerning her dad? And what about Chris (SueSue)? She lives in Houston. There's been flooding there from the hurricane activity on the Texas coast.
Lynn was in late last night, but I haven't heard about her father in few days though. I'm wishing them well...

Practising Hope

Posted: August 17th, 2007, 10:13 pm
by Lzcutter
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the well wishes. It has been a roller coaster ride these last two weeks but my dad is one tough hombre.

After almost losing him last weekend, this weekend we are faced with telling him that he is going to lose his lower, right leg. We had hoped after last weekend's harrowing ordeal that we were on the upswing.

The catch-22, the medications that they gave my dad to keep him from bleeding out entirely caused the circulation in his feet to constrict. He is diabetic and this is, like blood thinners and unknown ulcers, a bad combination.

We are going to the hospital tomorrow morning to be there with him when the doctor tells him.

Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers. I truly appreciate it.

Still practising hope (no matter how hard it sometimes seem),


PS: I talked to Christine (Sue2) last Saturday or Sunday evening. She was fine, just back from a trip to Mexico with her son. She was going back to work this week.

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 1:42 am
by Lzcutter
Thanks to all who have sent their thoughts and prayers.

A short update:

This evening they amputated my dad's right foot and lower leg (mid-calf). It is hoped by doing this that it will help his overall health to stablize and improve.

Dad is not out of the woods yet. He is still on dialysis and his blood pressure is still not stable all the time.

Will keep you posted.

Practising hope (and believing in miracles),



Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 8:45 am
by feaito

You and your family are in my thoughts. I wish all the best to your father. I sincerely hope his health will improve greatly.

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 10:56 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Dear Lynn,
Saying prayers for you and yours. I know that this is an extremely difficult time. Please take care and know that we are wishing you well.
Love and Hugs,

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 11:00 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
P.S. I wanted to say thank you to all concerned about our weather down here. There was flooding, but luckily we avoided it.

Taking the SSO temperature or Weather notes from all over...

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 8:57 am
by moira finnie
Dear Lynn,
I'm hoping that you and your family--particularly your father--are all doing okay. If thoughts and prayers are heard, it seems as though alot of positive ones are coming your way. Take care of yourself too, please.

Hey Western & MidWestern guys and gals,
Hope that all of you are on pleasantly drier, cooler ground soon. Anne, Ken and friends in the Chicago area in particular, Mother Nature seems hell-bent on putting her two cents in this year. Please let us know how you fared in yesterday's freak storm. Boy, from what I've heard, if only we could figure out a way to send some of that wet stuff down to the Southeastern U.S. Having experienced Charleston, SC in May of this year, I can't imagine that lovely part of the world totally hot and dry!

Back in upstate NY, after a lovely spell of cool, (temps in the 40s-50s), we are back in the summer frying pan today, with the cicadas, locusts and a few faint birds asking the musical question: "Who knows the tune 'Autumn in New York'?" Bring it on, bring it on....

Since the general US media rarely tells us anything about any other country 'cept when something ghastly happens, I hope that our Canadian (Larry & Inglis...) & Chilean (Fernando) pals will let us know what's happening in your corners of the globe.
Please have a decent weekend, everybody.
Your erstwhile pal,

Re: Taking the SSO temperature or Weather notes from all ove

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 9:34 am
by feaito
moirafinnie wrote:Since the general US media rarely tells us anything about any other country 'cept when something ghastly happens, I hope that our Canadian (Larry & Inglis...) & Chilean (Fernando) pals will let us know what's happening in your corners of the globe.
Please have a decent weekend, everybody.
Your erstwhile pal,
Well Moira, here on the other side of the globe, we want this harsh winter to end at last! It has been one of the coldest winters in decades, with very, very low temperatures. We even had one day -5°C (a record in Santiago, the capital city). Agriculture has had huge losses (crop, fruits, vegetables, etc.) amounting to millions of dollars and there's going to be a shortage of vegetables & fruits in general and the prices have gone up to the clouds. Some fruit trees have been severley damaged and won't recover in two or three years. As for vineyards, there also have been losses.

And in Chile there's also the risk of earthquakes; some of the toughest have taken place in this country. Last week, our neighbour country Peru, suffered the consequences of a terrible 7,9 earthquake.

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 11:16 am
by mrsl

The weather for the past week has been atrocious. It has rained every day, tree limbs are down in the streets, and some trees. My Dish Network has gone out for a half hour or so every day because sometimes the rain comes down so hard, I can't see across the street. You're a sweetie for asking though.


That's how dumb I am about geography. I never knew Chile had a winter anything like ours. I seriously thought you had warm summer weather all year round. -5 degrees is like Chicago. Do you ever get snow and ice?


I hope your Dad is coming around to acceptance and knowledge that there is a tomorrow.

To All:

I don't know if it's been the weather (either blazing hot and humid, or raining), or a rebound from my Dads' passing, or what, but I've been a real witch lately. I hope I haven't stepped on any toes too heavily, or hurt any feelings, but if I have, I'm very sorry for it. This humidity hasn't helped my knees any, and I'm pretty much housebound so that may also be a part of it, although it's no excuse.


Posted: August 24th, 2007, 11:51 am
by ken123
MOIRA - Thanks for the concern, at least it isn;t flooding here, and I haven't lost electricity yet. I have lived in the Southern Suburbs for years and they were hit much worse than the City, it seems the Nothern burbs were about the worse hit.

LYNN - I hope that your father gets well soon with no complications.

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 12:00 pm
by feaito
mrsl wrote:Feaito:

That's how dumb I am about geography. I never knew Chile had a winter anything like ours. I seriously thought you had warm summer weather all year round. -5 degrees is like Chicago. Do you ever get snow and ice?
Don't worry about that Anne, there's such a variety of climates around the world and in the case of my country, there are such diverse types of climates and geography within Chile (being a very long and narrow country); In the north we have a very dry desertic landscape; Santiago has a mediterranean climate; in the south there is a big variety of climates ranging from very rainy to "Tundra"...and we have also the Easter Island on the Pacific Ocean and the Chilean Antartic Territory.

As for your question, we have plenty of snow in the Chilean Andes Mountains and also in the south, in Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales, as well as in the Antartic Territory. This year we even had snow in parts of Santiago & other southern cities in which this is not usual.