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Tide Of The Empire (1929)

Posted: August 25th, 2007, 7:44 pm
by Gagman 66
:D Terrific late 20's MGM Silent feature from top Director Alan Dwan.. With the beautiful, and magnetic Renee Adoree, in one of Her few Starring roles.

A better title for this picture might have been "OLD CALIFORNIA"? As the story begins just shortly before "The Great Gold Rush of 1849".

:roll: French born Renee is Josephita winsome Hispanic daughter of "Don Jose' Guerrero" (George Fawcett). Patriarch of one of the wealthiest and most distinguished family's of old Spanish California, His Rancho Chico has been a revered shrine for generations. His mighty herds of Cattle graze over untold acres of land unmolested.

Darling Josephita has little to do in the early going, but to bail Her irresponsible Brother Romauldo (William Collier Jr.), out of mischief. He gambles all the Money for the new herd of sheep away. Fearful of his fathers wrath, He engages his crafty Sister to help keep up appearances. Unbeknownst to them, The sly old Man is wise, but let's the matter slide. Such is his great pride in his Daughter and Son.

Life has been good, and the noble family has known nothing but prosperity for the longest time. Suddenly, in January of 1848, at Sutter's Mill "Gold is discovered in the waters! The proud Guerrero's lives are about to be turned upside down.

As the Multitude of American prospectors and Fortune hunters flood into the region, the family finds their peaceful land infested with rustlers, and thieves! Their homestead is invaded their horses and livestock stolen, and even killed! Romauldo bravely confronts a gang of ruthless cut-throat's and is beaten over the head with a whip! The Guerrero's can sense that the days of Spanish rule will soon be at an end!

In to the Midst of the heavy movement to the great Southwest, comes a brash young stranger. He is Dermod D' Arcy, played by the extremely handsome dimpled cheeked George Duryea. A wealthy frontiersmen/ex-cowboy, with a lightening Swift horse known as "Path-Finder".

Arriving shortly before the St. Francis Day Celebration, He meet's the feisty Josephita, among the long trail of wagon's and buckboards headed to the Fiesta in town. Instantaneously "Smitten" by Her. Dermod finds a quick excuse to follow, She has inadvertently dropped her fan. He rides ahead of the Wagons and courteously returns it to Her.

Later at the Fiesta Dermod's, longing for Josephita intensifies as She performs, a Spanish Dance to the delight of the crowd. The big race is at hand, and the fearless Don Jose' boldly wagers 20 thousand head of Cattle on his Horse "El Capitan" to win!

Though warned by his Son that they have less than half that amount remaining, Confidently Don Jose' puts his families age old Rancho Chico on the line, hoping to upstage his old rival Don Amillo Montalvo.

"Pathfinder" is a new entry, and Montalvo decides to elect him as his Champion instead of his own Animal. Making a deal with Dermod as the Horse's owner for half the pot from Don Jose'. Should the Horse turn out the victor, D' Arcy will choose between the 10, 000 herd of Cattle, and the beloved Rancho Chico Estate!

As fate would have it Path-Finder pulls out the competition at the very last minute! For the first time, there will be a brand new owner of the Rancho Chico outside of the Guerrero's! Don Jose' is devastated, and so are his Children!

Finally Dermod, and Josephita are formally introduced. Don Amillo presents him to Her and Rumauldo, as the owner of Path Finder. To this Josephita promptly snaps, " It is same like meeting the Devil, when I am meeting you Senor!" Demod Smiles and replies unabashedly, "And it is like Meeting an Angel to Meet you Senorita"....Only Angels, are not quite so mean!"

As Josephita storms off, Her Brother has some threatening words for D' Arcy. Dermod tells Don Amillo, He will take the Rancho Chico as the half of his earnings for the race. Now D'Arcy has no intention to take away the families Ranch, or their land, and has no interest in the Estate, He plans to give it back. However, He has plenty of interest in the sassy Josephita!

A despondent Romauldo, fearing all has been lost, bids his Sister a hasty goodbye and rides off bound for nowhere. When He refuses to surrender his horse to a band of Marauders, In a shocking twist, He end up before long actually joining up with them!

Welcomed as a guest at the Rancho Chico, D' Arcy make a strong impression on Don Jose' with his fine Spanish, unlike his daughter, and son, Don Jose' does not speak, or understand the English language.

As Josephita hurls insults his way, Dermod just smiles and explains them away to her Father as complimentary. D' Arcy tells Josephita that He must see Her alone in the Garden after supper. She is reluctant to comply, but decides to show up anyway.

He informs Her that He has much to discuss with the Lady concerning The new Owner of the Rancho Chico. But that will have to wait his heart is set on romance, and He shortly plants a big unexpected Smackaroo on Josephita's outraged Kisser!

She is justly offended believing that the new owner is taking some serious liberties, and is just getting started at it! Angered she dashes off, and thus D' Arcy has an errand boy deliver a note forwarding all rights back to Don Jose' and his Daughter. D'Arcy is headed back on the trail to search for more gold.

Josephita finds the exhausted Don Jose' napping over his desk in the middle of the day. The message touches Josephita, and She rushes to tell her Dad the good news. To her utter horror Senorita Guerrero discovers that her defeated Father has suffered a heart attack in his sleep! Her brother vanished, her Father suddenly passed away, D' Arcy departed! Josephita's world comes crashing down upon her all at once!

Having reached about the Mid-point of the story , there is plenty of adventure, and romance yet to come! For starters, Josephita has no idea what has become of Her Brother, now riding with a dangerous bunch! Meanwhile D' Arcy will not give up on his dream of making the stubborn Miss Guerrero his Wife!

Although not as well known today as many of his contemporaries, Dwan was a very fine Director. Perhaps best remembered for his work on Douglas Fairbanks ROBIN HOOD (1922). TIDE OF THE EMPIRE, justly ranks with Dwan's very best efforts.

Renee Adoree meantime, proves that She was in-fact a very talented performer in a demanding role unlike anything that I had witnessed her in before. I have now seen quite a few of this ladies films, and I have to say that she has definitely become one of my favorite Silent Screen Actresses.

Adoree had a unique and endearing quality of "nervous sweetness" about her, that precious few other ladies of the era possessed. You just could not help but Love Her!

George Duryea who was remarkable in Cecil B. De Mille's THE GODLESS GIRL (1928) opposite Lina Basquette, and Marie Prevost, is superb as the valiant D'Arcy.

TIDE OF THE EMPIRE is one of the better Silent's that you probably have never seen, or even heard of before? The TCM restoration is stunning! One of the best looking Silent films in existence!

The movie boast's top flight Production values. Richly photographed, with often breath-taking cinematography. However, the final Reel and a Half, is reportedly missing, and is believed to be lost? You would likely never know it though, although the original release actually had a different ending than we can see here, just as the romance between Josephita, and D'Arcy really starts to grow.

While essentially, a Goat-gland Hybrid, or partial talkie, there is no real dialogue. The outstanding vintage track has been cleaned up and sounds very good, with a theme song "Josephita", and some cheering, and sound effects.

Perhaps there was some true dialogue among the missing footage? I don't know? If so, it would have been a most-unwelcome intrusion! Serving merely to slow down the rapid pace of this fast moving and highly entertaining film!