Smallville, yet another take on a superhero legend

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Smallville, yet another take on a superhero legend

Post by cinemalover »

Does anyone watch this show? I started watching it when it first came on in 2001 (I think) with my daughter Tina. We watched it on and off for a couple of seasons and then kind of forgot about it. A few months ago I found the first three seasons of Smallville on sale for a ridiculous price ($14.99 each) and couldn't pass it up. Recently Karie (the beautiful new bride) and I have been watching it and are now half way through the second season. The kids will watch it with us sometimes and they enjoy it on different levels. My daughter can sympathize with the pressures of High School and not wanting to be the outcast. It is a fun show that is very family oriented (a young Clark Kent struggles with his responsibilities on the family farm while not being able to show off his strengths in any high school athletics, etc...). His secret causes much confusion in his quest for Lana Lang. I've been enjoying it even more this second time around and Karie absolutely loves it (she had not seen it before). Any thoughts?

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Post by SSO Admins »

Smallville is one of my guilty pleasures, although I think you're in for a rough go in seasons 4 and 5.

My favorite parts are the ones where you see Supes and the other JLAers in their youth. My least favorite part is the whole Dawson's Creek teen soap opera thing.

I *hate* Lana, but Erica Durance, who shows up in season 4 (I think) is my second favorite Lois, after Noel Neill.

Post by jdb1 »

I have a problem with the young man who plays Clark: I think he looks like the ballet superstar Rudolf Nureyev. Consequently, I can't really accept him as a Boy of Steel. He looks to me more like a boy of crepe de chine. I like my superguys a little more macho, no matter how sensitive they're supposed to be.
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Post by cinemalover »

Tom Welling plays Clark, and while they overplay the teen love triangle I think he does a nice job of it. He's got the physical stature to play the part and his acting range has seemed to grow and improve in the episodes I've watched. I have to admit that the real reason I like the show is the character of Lex Luthor as played by Michael Rosenbaum. This guy is very talented and the scripts they write around his character are usually the best. Anyone that knows Superman knows that Lex Luthor is Superman's primary nemesis and that knowledge makes the character's development even more interesting. I haven't seen any of the episodes that have any of the other JLAer's in it (That's Justice League of America for you non-comic geeks out there), but will look forward to them.

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Post by cinemalover »

The family and I just completed watching the third season of this entertaining show and were left salivating for more. It's definitely not for everyone's taste, but I find it very well-done and entertaining on enough different levels that it kept our entire family captivated and entertained. It is very rare when both of my kids (ages 9 and 15) agree so strongly on any one show. The adults sure enjoyed the ride too.

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Post by cinemalover »

If anyone is interested in sampling this fun little series Best Buy has Seasons 1-5 on sale this week for $14.99 per season. That's an unbeatable price to sample an entire season of something. Grab 'em while they last!

They also have all four seasons of Lois and Clark at the same price.

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Post by cinemalover »

Hi John,
I've only watched through season 3 so far, but have enjoyed it quite a bit. Shhhh, don't tell anyone but those rascally chiildren of mine may receive seasons 4 and 5 in their Christmas stockings. And they wouldn't have to twist my arm too hard to make me watch the episodes with them.

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Re: Smallville, yet another take on a superhero legend

Post by HoldenIsHere »

SMALLVILLE was my favorite "current" TV series growing up (it premiered when I was in high school). My favorite part of the early episodes was the relationship of the young Clark Kent (Tom Welling) and Lex Luthor (Jonathan Rosenbaum), who as DC comics fans know are destined to become arch-enemies.

For me, the series became "must viewing" after the young Lois Lane (played to perfection by Erica Durance) was introduced in Season 4. Another brilliant addition was Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow (played by Justin Hartley) in Season 6.

In a great bit of casting, Anette O'Toole (who had played Lana Lang in one of the SUPERMAN movies) played Martha Kent, Clark's "adopted" mother. Throughout the run of SMALLVILLE, other Superman alumni appeared in guest starring roles: Christopher Reeve, Terrence Stamp (who provided the voice of Clark's birth father Jor-El), Margot Kidder, Dean Cain, Helen Slater, Marc McClure and finally Teri Hatcher (who played Lois Lane's deceased mother in video tape recordings discovered by Lois).

I plan to re-watch the series from beginning to end.

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Re: Smallville, yet another take on a superhero legend

Post by HoldenIsHere »

Here are the opening credit sequences for all 10 seasons of SMALLVILLE. The same sequence was used for both Season 2 and Season 3. Season 10 had two different sequences, one that did not include Allison Mack (who played Chloe Sullivan) and one that did.

The song that underscored the credits for the entire run of the series was "Save Me" by the band Remy Zero. It was an abbreviated version of the track from their THE GOLDEN HUM album. That 50 seconds of music is burned into my brain . . . but in a good way.
The SMALLVILLE intro is one that you definitely do not skip!

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