Gone with the Wind, or Yes, Toto, we ARE in Kansas...

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Gone with the Wind, or Yes, Toto, we ARE in Kansas...

Post by knitwit45 »

Hi guys. We're all safe, but my work location lost a warehouse shed full of Drywall. To add insult to injury, one of the big boom trucks had been moved inside the shed to protect it.... didn't work! I've taken pictures of the storm damage (this wasn't even a tornado, but is considered to be a microburst. As soon as I figure out how to post the pictures I will include them here.

aka Windy :)
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Post by movieman1957 »

So glad you are safe. While they happen here they are not very common. I've never been in one and am in no hurry to be in one.
Last edited by movieman1957 on May 2nd, 2008, 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by MikeBSG »

I'm glad you're safe. This has been an active season for tornadoes, and they can be very devastating and surprisingly odd in what they devastate and what they spare.

Post by jdb1 »

Yipes, Nancy/Knitty/Windy! And they say living in NYC is dangerous.

Do you have a cellar or other safe place to run to? I'm always struck by all the tornado-themed TV shows they run on Discovery Channel and other cable channels. Somehow they make it all seem adventurous and harmless, like a ride at a theme park. I don't know if that's such a good idea. It's like all those animal expert shows where the hosts cavalierly handle the animals, and then people think you can just swim up to a shark and start petting it.

I'm glad you're all right. Maybe you should consider buying that little house in Brooklyn you told me about - at least its location (squeezed between two much larger houses) would keep you safe during a twister.
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Post by knitwit45 »




in the top photo, there is a stack of leaning drywall. this is the heaviest board we carry, it has a concrete coating.

If you look closely at the 3rd picture, there is a boom truck buried in the rubble.

We definitely are counting our blessings, that this happened at night, and no one was hurt.
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Post by knitwit45 »

Judith, Chris and Mike,
Thanks for the good thoughts! I live about 10 miles from work, and we had sirens going off most of the night. I spent the evening in a storm shelter with a lot of very wet, very nervous people and their dogs.... :o

Judith, that house looks pretty darn good at this point!

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Post by Mr. Arkadin »

Glad you're OK Nancy. Machines and supplies can be replaced--people can't
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Post by charliechaplinfan »

Thank heavens you are OK Nancy.
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Post by Bogie »

Wow glad you're ok.
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Post by moira finnie »

Dear Nancy,
Thanks so much for sharing your "good" news. I hope that you and all your neighbors will be safe throughout the rest of the tornado season. Stay in touch, if you can!
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Post by Hollis »

Hi Nancy,

Glad to hear you came through it all unscathed. I hope you're not too far from a below ground shelter. You do have an NOAA radio in the house (and one at work too) for advanced warnings I presume? It's an invaluable item to have and usually costs less than $50. Down here in hurricane land there aren't too many homes or businesses without one. A couple of extra minutes notice could make all the difference in the world. Stay safe.

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Post by Synnove »

Nancy, that devastation in those pictures is awful. I'm so glad you're safe!
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Post by knitwit45 »

Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts. I have been watching the news here, (we made all the local channels!) and a shed full of drywall is nothing compared to some families who lost their homes. I am so grateful that this happened when it did, and that no one in the metro area was hurt. Truly a miracle.

Again, thanks to all of you!

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Post by melwalton »

Happy to hear you're ok Nancy. Must be a terrifying experience. Take care. ... mel
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Post by inglis »

Hi Nancy
We have not met but I just wanted to let you know we had a bad one out here last Summer just west of the city and lucky no one was hurt but it sure did alot of dammage,glad you are safe.
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